Teng Wengong raised the question of governing the country.
Mencius said, "Civil emergency. The Book of Songs says:' Cut the thatch quickly during the day and rub the rope all night. Take the time to repair the leaking house and plant a hundred seeds in the new year. "The truth of people's life is that people with fixed industries have confidence in fixed life, while people without fixed industries have no confidence in fixed life. If you don't have confidence to live a fixed life, you will be dissolute and willful, run amok and do evil.
When they are caught in a trap of sin and then punished, it is equivalent to setting a net to frame the people. Where is a monarch who is in power and loves the people, but has framed the people? Therefore, a wise monarch must be humble, frugal, humble and corporal, and has a system of taxing the people. Yang hu said:' those who can be rich are not good, and those who can be good are not rich.'
In the Xia dynasty, each family granted 50 mu of land and practiced the tribute method; In Shang dynasty, each family granted 70 mu of land and implemented the auxiliary method; In the Zhou Dynasty, every family was granted 100 mu of land, and a thorough method was adopted. In fact, the tax is one tenth. What is a car hair? Thoroughly means extracting; Helping means relying on it. Zi Long said: "The tax system is the best way to help land management, while the law of tribute is the worst." The so-called tribute method refers to the harvest of several years and takes a fixed number.
Regardless of good years or bad years, taxes should be levied according to this certain tax amount. When the harvest is good, there are grains everywhere. Overcharging is not harsh, but it is not too much. In the disaster year, the harvest of each family is not enough for the next year's fertile land, but it must be fully rated. As the parents of the people, the monarch is not enough to support his parents even if his people glare and work hard all the year round;
However, we have to rely on loans to make up the rent, which makes the old, the weak and the young die in the ravine wilderness. Where can you be called the parents of the people? Tengguo has implemented the system of inheriting salary from that generation. The Book of Songs says,' Rain waters our public fields and moistens my private fields.' Only by helping the law can there be public land. Judging from this poem, the Zhou Dynasty also helped the law.
"Besides, we should set up schools, schools and schools to educate the people. The so-called embarrassment is training; The so-called school is teaching; The so-called order is an orderly statement. Xia dynasty called the school, Shang dynasty called the order, and Zhou dynasty called Yao. This "learning" is shared by three generations, and it is to educate people to understand the ethical relationship between people. The ethical relationship between people is understood by the upper level, while ordinary people can be friendly to the lower level.
If a wise king rises, he will certainly learn this method, because it is imitated by kings. The Book of Songs says:' Although Zhou was an old state, it became a new state because of the trend of the times.' This is a compliment to Zhou Wenwang. If you work hard to achieve this, you can also make your country look brand-new! "
Teng Wengong sent Bi Zhan to ask questions about the well site system.
Mencius said, "Your monarch mainly implements the policy of loving the people and specially sends you here. You must work hard! The so-called policy of loving the people must start with distinguishing the latitude and longitude of the land. If the boundary between latitude and longitude is not straight, the mine field will be uneven and the rent will be unfair. Therefore, cruel monarchs and corrupt officials must not pay attention to the latitude and longitude of the land. Once the latitude and longitude boundaries of farmland are correctly divided, how to distribute farmland and wages can be decided by sitting down.
"There will be Tengguo, although the land is small, there will be officials and farmers ploughing in the fields. Without officials, there is no way to manage farmers, and without farmers, there is no way to support the gentleman who is an official. I hope you will implement "one-ninth" law in the fields and "one-tenth" tax law in the capital, so that people can pay their own taxes. Officials below the secretary of state must have 50 acres of land for sacrifice;
The rest of the people in abel tamata have 25 acres of land. Death burial and relocation have not left the scope of villages and towns, and the fields in villages and towns should be the same well field system. People accompany each other when going in and out to work, help each other when resisting bandits, and take care of each other when there are diseases and accidents, so that people will be friendly and harmonious.
Fiona Fang Yili is a mine field, with 900 mu of mine field, a piece of land in the middle is a public field, and eight families each take 100 mu as a private field, but they should jointly manage the public field; You can't do private things until you finish the commons. This is the way to distinguish farmers. This is just the general situation. As for how to be more perfect, it depends on the monarch and you. "
From Teng Wengong, the original text is as follows:
Teng Wengong demanded his country. Mencius said, "Civil affairs cannot be delayed." "Poetry" said:' Day in the grass, night in the rope; If you are eager to get a lift in the house, you should start sowing a hundred valleys. "People are the way, those who have a constant income have perseverance, and those who have no constant income have no perseverance. Without perseverance, you will do whatever you want. It is also a waste of people to fall into sin and punish it. How can a benevolent man not do something for the people when he is in power? Therefore, saints must be humble and thrifty and take it from the people.
Yang hu said:' Being rich is heartless, and being good is not rich.' Fifty tribute, seventy assistance from Yin people, and one hundred mu tribute from Zhou people. Actually, it's all a tribute. If you are thorough, you are thorough. Help, borrow. Zi Long said:' Be good at helping the land and paying tribute.' Tributes are common among people of several years old. Happy new year, the crime of rice and wolves, taking more without abuse, then taking less; If the years are bad and the manure is insufficient, it will be profitable.
People will be happy for their parents, and they will work hard all the year round. They should not benefit from their adoptive parents, which is also called borrowing, so that the old and the young can turn to the ravine. Is it evil to be the parents of the people? Fu Shilu, Gu Teng did it. The poem says,' It's raining, and I'm in the public field, so I'm in private.' Only help can have the public domain. From this point of view, although Zhou also helped. Build it into a school to teach it. If you are embarrassed, give it up. Learn and teach. Order, shoot also.
The school has, Xu and Zhou; Knowledge is shared by three generations, so it is also an ethical issue. Excellent personnel relations, close to Wang. If there is a king, he will come to study law, which is also for the king. The poem says: "Although Zhou is an old country, his life is only new." King Wen is also called. If you do it, you will also take the country of the new son! "That's a good question. Mencius said, "The prince of the son must be kind. If you choose to be a son, your son will encourage you!
Benevolence must start from the border. If the boundaries are not straight, the wells are not handsome, and the valleys are uneven, tyrants and corrupt officials will slow down their boundaries. Now that the economic boundary is right, we can decide to divide the fields. Rich and small, you must be a gentleman and a savage. Without a gentleman, there would be no savage; Without barbarians, there is no gentleman. Please help the wild 9 1 and the middle school. There must be Guitian below the Qing Dynasty, with 50 mu of Guitian and 25 mu of husband.
When people die and move away from their hometown, the countryside and fields are in the same well, and they are friends in and out, watching each other and helping each other through life and death, so people are close. There are 900 acres of wells in the square, including public fields. Eight private property, all raise public land. When you have finished your career, you dare to mind your private affairs, so don't be barbaric. This is also roughly. If a husband is nourished, he is a gentleman and a son. "
Extended data
Teng Wengong is selected from the fifth volume of Mencius, Mencius and Teng Wengong.
There are seven books in Mencius, which is a compilation of Mencius' remarks during the Warring States Period. It records the arguments between Mencius and other schools, the words and deeds of disciples, and the lobbying of princes. It was compiled by Mencius and his disciples (Zhang Wan and others). ).
Mencius' language is clear, plain and simple, and at the same time it is refined and accurate. As an essay, Mencius is good at argument, more artistic and expressive, and has the nature of literary prose.
Among them, the argumentative essay skillfully uses the method of logical reasoning, and Mencius skillfully uses analogical reasoning, often playing hard to get, repeatedly asking questions, and winding the other party into his own preset conclusion, such as Hui Liang and Wang Xia.
Momentum is an important style feature of Mencius' prose. This style stems from the strength of Mencius' personality cultivation. People with this lofty spirit can overwhelm each other mentally, despise political power, despise material greed, have extraordinary spirit, be upright, selfless and fearless.
Rhetorical devices such as even sentences and overlapping sentences are widely used in Mencius. It is necessary to enhance the momentum of the article and make the style of writing magnificent. If Jiang is determined, it will be unstoppable.
Mencius believed that it was necessary to "cultivate talents in the world" and advocated personality and moral education. He said, "We should strictly observe filial piety." . Moreover, Mencius believes that self-cultivation is the basic point of reading, but he also believes that human goodness cannot be cultivated from the outside (education can only play an influential role), and ultimately it must be realized by one's own thinking. In the method of self-cultivation, we advocate free development and guide the situation.
In addition, Mencius also attached great importance to the learning environment. Only by putting students in a good environment and giving them spontaneous education can they succeed. The influence of Mencius' theory on later generations did not inspire Neo-Confucianism.
Mencius put forward the theory of "inner sage", pointing out that human nature is good, as long as everyone develops goodness, suppresses material desires and reflects on themselves. This method of introspection became the mainstream of Confucianism in later generations. Cheng Hao, Cheng Yi, Lu Jiuyuan, Wang Yangming and other Song and Ming Neo-Confucians all inherited Mencius' theory in this respect.