The Analects of Confucius
The story says that once, Confucius discussed benevolence with students Luz and Zigong. Luz said, "Qi Huangong's younger brother Gong Zijiu and Qi Huangong fought for the throne and was killed by Qi Huangong. Guan Zhong and Zhao Hu are both courtiers of Gong Zijiu. After Miyako was killed for a long time, if he committed suicide suddenly, Guan Zhong surrendered to Qi Huangong and became the prime minister. He lived well, but did not commit suicide. " Lutz added: "So, Guan Zhong can't be regarded as a benevolent person, right?" Confucius said: "Qi Huangong called many alliances of vassal states without using force, and it was all by Guan Zhong's strength! This is his benevolence! This is his benevolence! "
Zi Gong disagreed with Confucius. He said, "Guan Zhong is not a benevolent man, is he? Qi Huangong killed Guan Zhong's master Gong Zijiu. Guan Zhong not only did not commit suicide, but went to assist Qi Huangong. " Confucius said, "Guan Zhong helped make Qi Jun come to the world, and the world is public, and the people still feel their gratitude. If it weren't for Guan Zhong, I'm afraid we would have long had long hair, our skirts were open to the left, and we were enslaved by minority rule. Do people like Guan Zhong have to obey the rules like ordinary people, and no one knows about suicide in a small ravine? "
The story of Conquering the World comes from this story. Kuang (Kuang 1): correction. "Conquer the world" means to correct everything in the world.
Zuo Zhuan also comes from this story. Knee: skirt. Zuo Zhou: The skirt is turned to the left, which is the costume of ancient frontier ethnic minorities. People use "Zuozhou" as a metaphor for being ruled by an alien.
The Analects of Confucius, Xian Wen;
Lutz said, "Duke Huan killed Miyako for a long time and told him to die suddenly, but Guan Zhong didn't die." Say, "heartless?" Confucius said, "The Duke of Huan and the nine princes are not in the car, but in the power of the clock! That's it! That's it! "
Zi Gong said, "Guan Zhong is not kind. Duke Huan killed Miyako for a long time, but he couldn't die. " Confucius said, "Guan Zhong is a public servant, a tyrant and a conqueror of the world, and the people have been blessed so far. Wei Guanzhong, I was left behind. What, if a man and a woman forgive him, but don't know it because he passed the ditch (du2)? "