We know that some things are impossible, but we must do them. Some things can be done, but we can't. For example, anyone can do stealing chickens and dogs, but it can't be done. A gentleman or a gentleman must distinguish between what can and cannot be done.
Besides, when we do something, we have to let it go. Do it, or don't do it. Whether he is right or wrong, he must be responsible for what he has done.
When we do things, we should be able to distinguish right from wrong and follow our hearts. We can't do anything criminal, and we can't do anything that harms others and does not benefit ourselves. This requires you to be a modest gentleman and follow your heart.
And when you do things, you should judge the situation, follow the trend, and never go against the sky. Although some people are called heroes for doing things that others dare not do, some heroes also pay a huge price.
To do what others dare not do is to set a precedent. As the old saying goes, eat shit first. This means that when we do something, we must be the first person to eat sugar.
This sentence actually points out a bright road for our life. When we are confused and don't know what to do, it is a good choice to read this sentence.