Don't worry, he will soon dislike being a fireman.
Don't worry, he will soon give up the idea of being a fireman.
The firemen struggled with the fire for several hours before they got it under control.
The firemen struggled with the fire for several hours before they got it under control.
Firefighters broke into houses and rushed at the children.
Firefighters broke into houses to save the children.
Strictly trained firefighters can easily cross this high wall.
Trained firefighters can easily climb over this high wall.
Do you want to be a fireman?
Do you want to be a fireman?
Yes, I'm a fireman.
Yes, I'm a fireman.
I want to be a fireman.
I want to be a fireman!
I want to be a fireman.
I want to be a fireman.
I want to be a fireman.
I want to be a fireman.
I want to be a fireman.
I want to be a fireman!