Being self-consistent and seeking within is what Wang Anshi said.
Wang Anshi's "On Rites and Music": "The sage seeks internally, while the world seeks externally. Those who seek internally are happy to obtain their nature, and those who seek externally are happy to obtain their desires." This means that those who seek internally are happy and make themselves happy. You can truly become yourself and live according to the laws of nature, so that you can live to the best of your life.
To put it bluntly, in life, you should make yourself happy and convince yourself. Don’t expect others to make you happy. Don’t let your life be full of contradictions. This will only increase your mental friction. By constantly trying this way, you can live a more transparent life without being disturbed by too many trivial matters.
Wang Anshi has a straightforward temperament and does not care about decoration. He never cares about his dirty clothes and rough diet. He prefers to be indifferent and rejects vanity. Before Wang Anshi became the deputy prime minister, he went to the temple to take a bath with his friend. The friend secretly prepared a new clothes for him and took away his old clothes. When Wang Anshi came out of the bath, his friend's The attendant gave him new clothes to wear, but did not tell him the truth. Wang Anshi put it on naturally without any strange expression.
Wang Anshi’s performance in diet is even more hilarious. After Wang Anshi became a political candidate, someone said that he liked to eat deer meat. Wang Anshi's wife was very confused when she heard about it. She said that Wang Anshi was never picky about his diet, so why did he suddenly like to eat deer meat? She asked Wang Anshi in charge. What's going on with the entourage of food and daily life? The attendant replied that my husband would not eat anything else but dried deer meat every time he ate.
Wang Anshi’s wife asked where you put the dried deer meat when eating, and the attendant replied that it was placed closest to the chopsticks. Wang Anshi's wife said, "When you eat tomorrow, try putting other food near his chopsticks." Sure enough, the food near the chopsticks was gone, but the dried deer meat was left. Only then did everyone understand that Wang Anshi had no special preference for food and would eat whatever was put in front of him.