"Harry Potter" an unsurpassed classic
It lives in your very skin,?
love, harry, love.
< p>Love is the greatest magic in the world.We've all got both light?
and darkness inside us.?
What matter is the part?
we choose to act on.?
That's who we really are.
Everyone has a sunny and dark side
in his heart.
What matters is what we choose to be.
That is who we really are.
The past will always come?
and we will accept it.
What is supposed to come will always come. ,
We will accept it when it comes.
It matters not what?
Someone is born,?
but what they grow to be.< /p>
A person’s birth is not important,
What is important is
What will he become when he grows up?
Working hard?
is important.?
But there is?
something that?
matters even more,?
believing in yourself.
Effort is important,
but what is more important is :
Believe in yourself.
When in doubt,
go to the library.
When in doubt,
Just go to the library to find the answer.
It isn't our abilities that?
show what we truly are,?
it is our choices.
Decide us Who we become is not our ability,
but our choice.
The truth,?
it is a beautiful and?
terrible thing,?
and should therefore?
be treated with?
great caution.
The truth,
It is a beauty And scary things need to be treated with extreme caution.
If you want to know
what a man's like,
take a good look
at how he treats?
his inferiors,
not his equals.
If you want to know a person
No matter what,
then look at how he treats
his humble species,
instead of being an equal to her.
This was a man?
deeply loved,
despite the love?
our people have died,
< p>also left us with aprotective shield forever.
Being loved so deeply by someone,
Although that person loved us
p>Has died,
will also leave us an eternal amulet
Words are?
the most powerful
weapon in the world.
Words are in the world
The most powerful weapon.
Sometimes you have to let
people help you even if
you feel like you can do
everything yourself.
Sometimes you have to let others help you,
even if you think you can do it alone.
It does not do to dwell on
dreams and forget to live.
Don’t rely on dreams and forget to live.
But indifference,
but also turned a blind eye?
is often straight forward?
than the harm to?
But also turned a blind eye?
much larger offensive.
Indifference and turning a blind eye
tend to cause more harm than outright disgust