Mencius believed that Gongsun Yan, Zhang Yi and others climbed up by wagging their lips and obeying the wishes of the governors, and there was no principle of benevolence, righteousness and morality. Therefore, they are just villains and women, pursuing the "way of supporting women". How can they be called brave people?
The way of "concubines" is submission, and its essence is that there is no principle in the face of rights, such as Zhang Yi and others, who only obey the meaning of the king of Qin; "The way of a gentleman" is characterized by "wealth can't be lewd, the powerful can't bend, and the poor can't move", and its essence is to stick to the inner benevolence, righteousness, propriety and righteousness, just as Confucianism advocates that "poverty can protect itself, and prosperity can help the world".
original text
Jingchun said, "Aren't Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi loyal men? Anger is the fear of the princes, and peace is the destruction of the world. "
Mencius said, "A gentleman is a gentleman. Haven't you learned manners? The husband's crown is also the father's life; When the woman got married, she was sent to the door by her mother, and was warned:' When you go to your daughter's house, you must be respectful and restrained, without violating your master's intention!' He who takes obedience as the right path is also a concubine. Live in a vast place in the world, stand in the right position in the world and be the best self in the world. Success, with the people; Go your own way when you are frustrated. Wealth can't be lewd, poverty can't be moved, and power can't be bent. This is called a gentleman. "
Original translation
Jing Chun said, "Aren't Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi really successful men with ambitions? When they were angry, the princes were afraid. When they are quiet, the world will be peaceful. "
Mencius said, "How can this be regarded as an ambitious and accomplished person?" Haven't you learned manners? When the man was crowned, his father punished him; When a woman gets married, her mother exhorts her, walks her to the door, and tells her,' When you get to your husband's house, you must be respectful and careful, and don't oppose your husband!' Obedience first is the code of conduct followed by female families.
A gentleman should live in the widest house in the world-benevolence, stand in the most correct position in the world-propriety, and take the most correct road in the world-righteousness. When you succeed, follow the people on the right path; When frustrated, a person goes his own way. Wealth cannot confuse his thoughts, poverty cannot shake his integrity, and power cannot bend his will. This is an ambitious and accomplished man. "
Source: "Mencius Teng Wengong" Monk and his disciples: "Wealth can't be lewd, poverty can't be moved, and power can't be bent. This is called a gentleman. "
Extended data
Jingchun thinks that Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi can control the vassals and provoke wars between countries. "When the princes are angry, they fear, and the world dies." This is a great man.
Mencius believed that Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yizhi climbed up by shaking their lips and obeying the wishes of the governors, and there was no principle of benevolence, righteousness and morality. Therefore, they are just villains and women, and they are pursuing the "way of concubinage". How can they be brave people?
Mencius' statement is implicit and humorous, only by saying "courtesy" to explain the mother's instructions when a woman gets married, thus drawing the conclusion that "those who take obedience as the right path are also concubines". What deserves our attention here is that the ancients thought that a wife's way was like a minister's way. Of course, I should obey you, but the principle of obedience is justice. If you are unfair, I will protest.
The same is true of a wife to her husband. Of course, a wife should obey her husband. However, if her husband did, she should persuade him to correct it. It should be "harmony but difference" only eunuchs, little wives, little maids, who don't ask right and wrong and blindly obey principles. Actually, there is no principle. "The way of concubinage" can not be generally understood as the way of women, but actually the way of little wives.
Mencius' satire was profound and sharp, and he hated Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi. Regrettably, although Mencius hated this "obedience is the right way", such "concubines" have emerged continuously for more than two thousand years. Today, monogamy has been protected by law, "concubine" is hard to exist, but the theory of "concubine" may not exist, or even be popular.
Mencius' method is to put forward the real way of being a man in a tit-for-tat manner. This is his famous saying, which has been passed down through the ages: "Wealth cannot be lewd, poverty cannot be moved, and power cannot be bent." How? Then you have to "live in the world, stand in the right position in the world and be the best in the world." Or go back to the benevolence, righteousness, propriety and wisdom that Confucianism has always advocated.
After doing this, we will adopt the attitude of "being comrades with the people, not doing it for ourselves", that is, Confucius said "using what is used, hiding what is abandoned" (The Analects of Confucius) or Mencius said in another place that "poverty is the only way to protect yourself, and prosperity is the best way to help the world." ("wholeheartedly" then you can become a real gentleman.
Every sentence of Mencius' famous saying about "gentleman" shines with the power of thought and personality. Historically, it has inspired many people with lofty ideals and become their motto of not being afraid of violence and upholding justice.
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