Use renunciation to practice hiding
Source: "The Analects of Confucius·Shu'er 7": "If you use it, you will act; if you give it up, you will hide. Only I and you have this husband."
Later it became the idiom "use equanimity to hide" (also known as "use equanimity to hide"), which is used to describe a person's attitude towards life. When it is used by the world, it will work hard; when it is not used by the world, it will retreat into seclusion.
Explanation: use: appoint; abandon: do not use; act: do things; hide: retreat.
Original text: Confucius said to Yan Yuan: "If you use it, you will do it; if you leave it, you will hide it. But you and I have this husband!" Zilu said: "When you are marching with the three armies, who will go with you?" Confucius said: "I will not agree with those who die without regrets. They must be afraid when things happen. They are those who like to make plans." Selected from "The Analects of Confucius·Chapter 7·Shuerpian"
< p>Translation: Confucius said to Yan Yuan: "If you use me, I will do it; if you don't use me, I will hide it. Only you and I can do this!" Zilu asked Confucius, "Teacher, if you command the three armies, what will you do?" So who are you going to have sex with?" Confucius said: "I won't have sex with someone who fights tigers with bare hands, crosses rivers on foot, and doesn't regret it even if he dies. . What I am looking for must be someone who is cautious in situations, good at planning and able to complete tasks.”