I. Original text
1, sealing the bird in Lu. Duke Zhou remonstrated, saying, "The past should not be forgotten, and the teacher of the future should not be arrogant to Lu. I am the son of King Wen, my brother, the uncle of King Cheng, the son of heaven, and I am not the light of the world. However, if you hold your hair three times, vomit three times and feed it three times, you will still be afraid of losing the world. I heard that virtue is abundant, and those who keep it with courtesy are honored; Vast territory and abundant resources, frugality is safe.
2, Lu Zunsheng's position, while those who keep it are humble and expensive; The people are strong and the soldiers are strong, and those who are afraid of defending win; Smart and wise, kept by fools and philosophers; It is wise to be knowledgeable, memorable and shallow. These six people are all modest and kind. The husband is the son of heaven, rich in the four seas, and therefore virtuous. If you lose the world without modesty, it will be embarrassing and embarrassing. Can be sloppy! "
Second, translation.
1 year, the land of Lu was sealed to Bofeng, the son of Duke Zhou. Ji Dan, Duke of Zhou, warned his son: After you leave, don't neglect talents because you are in Lu. I am the living son of King Wen, the living brother, the living uncle of King Cheng, and I am also responsible for assisting the emperor. My life position in the world is not bright.
2, but once you wash your hair, you must stop many times and hold your loose hair; After eating a meal, you should stop to receive guests many times. Even if you do this, you are afraid of losing talents due to negligence. I have heard that those who are noble and respectful will enjoy glory; The fief is vast and rich in products, but he can still manage his family diligently and live a stable life.
3, the official position is high, but also humble to live, is really noble to live; A large population and a strong army, who can always be in awe and guard against foreign invasion, must be the living who win; A living person who is smart and wise but still feels stupid is a living person with philosophy; He is knowledgeable and has a strong memory, but he still thinks he is a wise living person.
4. These six points are the virtues of modesty and prudence. Even if you are as noble as the son of heaven and as rich as the world, it is because you respect these virtues. If you are not modest, you will lose the world, and (conversely) you will die. This is the case with Jay and Zhou. Can you be sloppy?