Buffett once said that the three most important things in investment are: no loss, no loss, and remember the first two.
The stock god only told us what was important, not how to do it. Personal summary is as follows:
1, the first is, of course, the famous principle of ability circle. Don't do it if you don't know it. So, how to understand? I think at least you should know how big the company's space is, its position in the industry, its operating profit rate, what are the main risks the company will face in the next few years, and more importantly, whether the company's management is honest or not. Wait a minute.
After excluding most unknown companies, after in-depth analysis, we found that this company has good prospects, strong competitiveness and smooth business development. It depends on the market sentiment at this time. If the market is also very keen on this company, giving a very high valuation and the stock price keeps rising, in this case, if you buy, you should be prepared to run at any time. Don't insist on fundamental analysis just because it is good. Because you can't judge at all, the stock price will fall to that point.
On the contrary, if the market sentiment is low and the company's valuation is not high, it will be much safer to buy at this time. However, after buying, once the stock price falls below the important technical support level, personal advice is still to run. The reason is simple: something you don't know has happened, which shows that there is a serious problem in your analysis of the company's fundamentals.
3. Under what circumstances can you stop loss after buying, or even buy more? Personally, the key factor is low valuation and long-term underestimation. For example, 2 years is a good parameter. Long-term stock price downturn, the company's unexposed problems have been fully exposed, and long-term depressed stock prices can wash away all short-term hot money, leaving behind, are intended to be shareholders for a long time to live by dividends. (Note that it must be a company with excellent fundamentals). For example, I personally feel that conch can be bought more and more at present.
4. Diversified investment. This mainly includes two aspects, investment portfolio and step-by-step opening. Buying a whole stock is actually gambling. One-off positions are easily disturbed by short-term fluctuations in the market. By combining and opening positions step by step, it can be averaged in space and time and reduce risks.
5 try to operate in the long term, the short term is too difficult, and only the super master can grasp the short term.