First understand the outline, then discipline; first understand the order, then punish; first understand the near, then the far; first understand the internal, then the external; first analyze the bas
First understand the outline, then discipline; first understand the order, then punish; first understand the near, then the far; first understand the internal, then the external; first analyze the basic, then the last; first analyze the strong, then the weak; first analyze the big , take care of the small things later; take care of the top first, then the bottom; take care of the body first, then people. But if the army does not fight and the people do not work, the world will be settled. Not all men can be sharp, not all horses can be good, and not all weapons can be strong, that's all. People's loyalty is like a fish's loyalty. A fish will die if it loses water, and a man will be unlucky if he loses his loyalty. Without learning, there is no way to expand talents; without ambition, there is no way to achieve learning. If you like "Zhuge Liang's Quotes", remember to share it with more friends!