Neutron): 1932 chadwick-research-Aurio Curie and his wife did neutral particle experiments. He measured the mass of this particle with a cloud chamber beam and found that the mass of this particle is slightly heavier than that of protons and has no charge. Later, he called this neutral particle-neutron.
The structure of neutron is proved: neutron β decay proves that quarks, electrons and neutrinos will be released into upper quarks in the presence of lower quarks.
Neutrons can connect protons to form nuclei. If there were no neutrons, the nucleus would collapse because of the positive repulsion between protons, and then the atom would not exist.
The powerful nuclear force of neutrons can pull positively charged protons to form nuclei.
Neutrons can hit the uranium core and split it, causing the atomic bomb to explode.
Neutrons can make neutron bombs in nuclear weapons.
The+-sign in the figure represents the smallest inseparable unit of positive and negative electromagnetic information-quantum bit.
(john wheeler, a famous physicist, once famously said: Everything comes from bit by bit.
After the prosperity of quantum information research, this concept has been sublimated to everything from quantum bits.
Note: One point is one point.