Hello, cardiovascular disease has the following symptoms,
1. Palpitation is a comprehensive symptom of subjective feelings and objective signs. Subjectively, patients feel that their heart beats quickly, irregularly, or with strong pulses. Objective examination shows that the heartbeat frequency is too fast, too slow or uneven, that is, there are changes in heart rate and rhythm.
2. Dyspnea is also a comprehensive manifestation of subjective feelings and objective signs. Subjectively, breathing is labored, and objectively, the number of breaths increases, and the movements become faster and larger.
3. Cyanosis is a physical sign, which refers to the bluish-purple color of mucous membranes and skin. The absolute value of reduced hemoglobin (hemoglobin without oxygen saturation) in the body exceeds 5g (unsaturation of 6~7vol). The mechanisms of cyanosis are hypoxic blood, excess hemoglobin, and blood stasis. There are two types: central type and peripheral type. ?
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