This allusion comes from Zhou Gongdan's Examination of Gong Ji in Dongguan, Zhou Li in the Western Zhou Dynasty. He has six state-owned posts. He works hard and lives in one place. Or sit and talk about the Tao, or do it, or judge the face, to use five materials, to distinguish the people, or to learn from the treasures of the Quartet, or to make a fortune, or to cure silk and hemp.
The definition is that there are six occupations in the country, one of which is a hundred jobs. Some people sit back and think about the way of governing the country; Some people get up and practice the way of governing the country; Some people investigate the advantages and disadvantages of "five materials" and Fiona Fang, and "process" five materials to have the utensils needed by the people; Some people put exotic goods in circulation for people to buy; Some people work hard to cultivate the land and make it rich; Some people spin silk and hemp to make clothes. Later, it was extended to "it is better to sit and talk about Tao than to do it", which means that it is better to sit and talk about Tao than to practice it in person. The latter refers to empty talk.
Appreciating and attaching importance to hard work is the wealth of China's 5,000-year-old culture, and it is also the spiritual symbol that inspires the Chinese nation. Ancient sages have always educated and guided the world from the perspective of practice, which has become a powerful driving force to inspire the Chinese nation to keep moving forward. The famous aphorisms such as "What you get on paper is too shallow to know how to do it", "It is better to get up and save than to wait for death", "One action is better than a dozen plans" and "Talking about your country's mistakes and rejuvenating the country with hard work" all show that the ancients respected hard work, and allusions such as "talking on paper" and "painting cakes to satisfy hunger" have become vivid teaching materials for educating young people. The progress of the times and the development of the cause need not only a large number of down-to-earth doers, but also people who can look up at the stars and "walk" from time to time. Grassroots is the best school, practice is the most vivid teaching material, and the masses are the most knowledgeable teachers. Only by working hard can we be at the forefront and live up to the times.
Usage: First, it is suitable for the report of leading cadres' party classes, to educate and guide party member cadres to do practical things and make achievements that can stand the test of history and the people. Second, it is suitable for young cadres to speak during class opening and discussion, and educate and guide young cadres to work hard and start businesses.