1. 生は、かけ素だ どんなにチャンスがあっても 君が『ゼロ』なら、meaningがない.
Life is a multiplication calculation. If you are "zero", then no matter how many opportunities you have, it will be meaningless.
Origin: Mitsuru Nakamura
2. How can I fail in my private life? だからsuccessするんだ.
Original source: マイケル·ジョーダン
My life has experienced many failures along the way. That's why it will succeed.
Source: Michael Jordan
3. Common sense is the common sense of people. Prejudices accumulated up to the age of eighteen. (Note: From Einstein)
4. Eyes see the world, see happiness, and know the world.
Source: アンドレ·ジード
Those who can see do not know that they are in the happiness of being able to see.
Source: Andre Gide
5. Self-compassion and sympathy. Sympathy for oneself and one's inferiority in the world
Source: Haruki Murakami's "No Mori"
Don't pity yourself. Only inferior people can sympathize with their own affairs.
Source: Haruki Murakami's "Norwegian Wood"
6. Sadness and healing, Hehe.
Publication: ジョージ?ルイス 1900.12
What to do is the therapy for sadness.
Origin: John Lewis, 1900.12
7. 蛛めたらそこで trial合Endですよ.
Source: SLAM DUNK Mr. Anzai, Supervisor of Shohoku High School's Department of Education
If you give up, the game will be over.
Origin: "Slam Dunk" Shobei University Basketball Department Coach Anzai
8. No front no road を jin め, person に は wins hand な こ と を yan わ せ て お け.
Origin: ダンテ?アリギエーリ
Let others talk about your own path.
Origin: Dante Alighieri
9.Keiyuan Tatsuya Uesugi )
If you avoid something once, it may become a bad habit.
Origin: Baseball Hero (Uesugi Tatsuya)
10. 悩むことは生を rebirthさせるthe driving force.
Trouble is the driving force for rebirth in life.