If virtue does not match, there will be trouble.
Virtue is thin and respectful, wisdom is small and ambition is big, and strength is small and heavy, which is rare. The original text of Oracle Bone Inscriptions in the Book of Changes in the Spring and Autumn Period of Confucius is: If virtue is not worth it, there will be disaster; Virtue is thin and respectful, wisdom is small and ambition is big, and strength is small and heavy, which is rare. The translation is: people's own virtue should match their social status and the treatment they enjoy, and if they violate the laws of nature, they will suffer disaster. A person must have high morality in order to bear the blessings given by this world and live a better life. This is Tsinghua University's school motto-"Be virtuous and carry things". The ancients had high requirements for moral integrity and high expectations for what position they wanted to achieve. Even a man who is fishing for fame must be a gentleman in everyone's eyes before he is exposed. If virtue and wealth status do not match, something will happen! From ancient times to the present, the phenomenon of "moral inadequacy" is everywhere. How much responsibility you have, how much wealth and official position accompany you. This is a relatively matched state of life. The world pays attention to the balance of yin and yang, and people and life also need to pay attention to equality and balance without losing the laws of nature.