Confucius said: "Those who know are born, and those who learn and know are second;" Learn from difficulties, secondly; If you are trapped and don't study, the people will be next! "
Meaning: People who know by nature are the cleverest, those who know by learning are first-class, and those who learn only when they encounter difficulties are second-rate. If you don't study when you encounter difficulties, you are an inferiority complex fool.
Confucius said, "You are not born with knowledge, but you are eager for it in ancient times."
Meaning: I am not born with knowledge, but a person who loves ancient culture and strives to acquire it quickly.
Confucius said, "The knower enjoys water, while the benevolent enjoys Leshan. Those who know move, those who are good are quiet. Those who know are happy, and those who are benevolent are longevity. "
Reading without deep thinking will lead to ignorance, and dreaming without reading will lead to doubt.
Confucius said, "What good is it for me to study silently and never tire of learning and never tire of teaching?"
Write down what you have learned silently, keep blood deficiency from bothering you, and teach others not to be tired. What should I do?
Confucius said, "For a threesome, there must be a teacher; Choose good and follow it, and change evil and follow it. "
When three people walk together, there must be someone worth learning as a teacher. I choose the good ones and learn from them. If I see the bad ones, I will correct them.
Confucius said, "Cold tells the decline of pine and cypress."
It was cold, only to know that the pine and cypress were the last to wither. wait for