1. A beggar will not be jealous of a millionaire, but he will definitely be jealous of a beggar with a higher income. ——"The Road to Happiness"
2. If you can get fun from wasting time, it is not a waste of time. ——Russell
3. A person's life should be like a river. It starts as a trickle, bound by narrow banks, and then rushes fiercely through boulders and over waterfalls. Gradually, the river widened, the banks on both sides receded, and the water flowed more calmly. Finally, it merges naturally into the sea and disappears itself painlessly. ——"How to grow old"
4. People's real life does not lie in dressing and eating, but in art, thought and love, in the creation of beauty, contemplation and scientific understanding of the world. ——Russell
5. Love will flourish only when it is free and unrestrained. The idea that love is some kind of obligation can only kill love. Just one sentence: You should love someone is enough to make you hate that person to the core. ——Russell
6. If you get angry when you hear an opinion that is contrary to yours, it shows that you have subconsciously felt that there is no good reason for your opinion. If someone insisted that two plus two equals five, you would feel pity rather than anger. ——"How to Avoid Stupid Insights"
7. You must have courage to deal with poverty, you must have courage to endure ridicule, and you must have courage to face the enemies in your own camp. ——"My Faith"