Learning and practicing it from time to time is not a good thing. It is not a pleasure to have friends from afar. People who do not know it are not surprised, and they are not a gentleman.
The literal interpretation mainly has the following different opinions. The first one is Zhu Xi’s opinion in the Four Books. If you study and practice it from time to time, the scholar will be familiar with it, and the center will like to explain it. It is impossible to make progress. The second type is the explanation in some current Chinese textbooks. Isn’t it very happy to learn and review frequently. The third type is Yang Bojun's explanation in the Analects of Confucius. Wouldn't it be nice to learn it and then practice it within a certain period of time? In the eyes of some scholars, they think that after learning knowledge or skills, it is pleasant to review them at a certain time.
These explanations ultimately emphasize the relationship between learning and learning. Learning is just a cognitive process, while learning is a consolidation process. If you want to gain more knowledge, you must put learning into practice. Unify with Xi.