When the king collapsed, the Zhou people were abolished. In April, Zheng offered a sacrifice to the coach to warm the wheat. In autumn, take away a week's grain. Zhou Zheng made bad friends.
The gentleman said, "Faith is not true, but quality is useless. If you walk with forgiveness, you should be polite. Although there is no quality, who can do it? If there is a clear letter, a stream and marsh, a vegetable of apple algae, a basket kettle, and a dirty water, it can recommend ghosts and gods and shame princes. However, a gentleman has the trust of two countries, how to use quality? Wind includes picking flies and apples, elegance includes walking reeds and swimming, which is faithful and faithful. 」
Zheng Wugong and Zheng Zhuanggong are officials of Zhou Pingwang. (Zhou Pingwang) delegated power to Guo Gong, and Zheng Zhuanggong resented Zhou Pingwang. Zhou Pingwang said, "Nothing." . So Zhou Wang and Zheng exchanged hostages (to prove mutual trust): (Zhou Pingwang)' s son Fox was taken hostage in Zheng, and his son was suddenly taken hostage in the Zhou royal family.
After Zhou Pingwang's death, the Zhou royal family prepared to put Guo Gong in power. In April, Zheng's foot-sacrificing army was harvesting wheat. In autumn, rice has been harvested for several weeks. Zhou and Zheng hate each other.
The gentleman said, "Credit is not from the heart, and it is useless to agree on pledge. Act openly, understand each other and be bound by morality. Even without a mortgage, who can alienate them? If there is sincere credit, dishes like duckweed and fern algae in the mountain stream can be sacrificed to ghosts and gods with water from low-lying ditches and given to princes as food, not to mention that a gentleman needs hostages to conclude a Covenant between the two countries and act according to the ceremony. There are three poems in Guofeng: Picking Plums and Picking Apples, while there are poems such as Walking Reed and Meditation in Ya, all of which show faithfulness. 」
Note 1. Celebrity: Consul of Zhou Dynasty. 2. Guo: Two minds, meaning "biased". This means leaving some of his political power to Guo. Guo refers to Duke Guo, an aristocratic official of the Zhou royal family. [3] 3. Zheng Bo: The monarch of Zheng vassal state, here is. 4. Vow: Exchange hostages. 5. Fox Prince: Ji Hu is the second son and the younger brother of Ji Xie's father. He was called "Fox Prince" in history. After the death of his eldest brother "Prince Xie Fu", he was made a prince. 6. The son suddenly realized: Prince Zheng Zhuanggong, later acceded to the throne as Zhao Gong. 7. Wang Beng: Zhou Pingwang is dead. Collapse, the monarchy said that the emperor was dead. 8. Bi: Here you are. 9. Sacrifice (fasting) foot: that is, the sacrificial husband clock. Xiaoguowen in Zhou Dynasty is located in the south of Wenxian County, Henan Province. 10. Chengzhou: Zhoudi, now east of Luoyang City, Henan Province. 1 1. China people: the same "longing", heart. 12. Mutual forgiveness. 13. Yao (yāo): constraint. 14. Room: alienated. 15. Ming Xin: Get to know each other and be honest with each other. 16. swamp: swamp, pond. Cloud, an island in the water. 17. Ping: An aquatic plant, namely duckweed. Van, mugwort. Yunzao, an aggregated algae. Vegetables, wild vegetables. 18. Basket tool (jǔ):) A bamboo container with a square basket and a round tool. Technetium (qi) kettles are all cookers, and there is enough technetium, but there is not enough kettle. 19. Huang: ponding pool. Pollution, water accumulation. Hang and Liu (l m 40), water on the road. 20. Recommendation: Enjoy sacrifice and sacrifice. 2 1. shame: the same as "shame", piety. 22. "Picking midges" and "Picking apples": both are the topics of "Calling South Poems", which describe women picking wild vegetables for sacrifice. 23. Walking Reed and Jingǒng: Both titles are poetry and elegance. The former wrote that Zhou ancestors enjoyed the benevolence of their ancestors and praised their loyalty. The latter wrote to draw water for the banquet. 24. Zhao: said.
Comments on the Oath The first two paragraphs of this article reveal the subtle relationship between the Zhou royal family and the vassal state Zheng in the early Spring and Autumn Period in just over 70 words. In order to prevent monopolization of state affairs, the declining Zhou royal family wanted to give power to another monarch named Ji, so as to keep the balance of power. However, Zheng Zhuanggong refused to buy Zhou Pingwang's account, and expressed dissatisfaction with the action to be taken by Zhou Pingwang. It is particularly interesting that, in order to reach a compromise, Zhou Pingwang, as the son of heaven, and Zheng Zhuanggong, as the monarch of the vassal states, actually adopted the diplomatic means commonly used among the vassal states after the Spring and Autumn Period, that is, exchanging protons. So, has this diplomatic approach worked? The narrative in the second paragraph denies this move historically. Historical dialectics eloquently proves that the fundamental reason for Zhou and Zheng's "making friends" is the inevitable result of the conflict between interests and power redistribution. In other words, the ultimate principle that determines the relationship between Zhou and Zheng is the redistribution of interests and rights. Although due to historical limitations, it is impossible for the author of Zuo Zhuan to reveal the historical essence of Zhou and Zheng from "making friends" because the author "speaks with facts", we can still see the general trend and trend of historical development in this era. And "speaking with facts" is also the biggest feature of this article. As for the importance of honesty in this article, it is only a good wish of the author, because after the history entered the Spring and Autumn Period, it is hard to see what the vassal States "should treat each other with courtesy" and "treat each other with courtesy". Nevertheless, in the process of establishing new social norms, moral norms and behavioral norms today, the principle of good faith should be inherited and carried forward.
The second article appreciates Zhou Zheng's oath. First, it briefly describes the ins and outs of the incident. On the one hand, it reveals that Zheng Zhuanggong invaded the land of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty twice, forcing Wang Li to calm down and be aggressive; On the other hand, it reflects the historical situation of the decline, bullying and compromise of the royal family in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. From this, it is concluded that it is unreliable and undesirable for Zhou He to exchange hostages to ease contradictions and win the trust of the other party, because there is no sincerity between them and they do not act according to the "ceremony", so even if they exchange hostages, they still cannot maintain the relationship.
Finally, this gentleman pointed out that mutual understanding and trust should be based on mutual understanding and honesty, and emphasized the importance of observing etiquette and being loyal to faith.
Although the article is not long, it is simple, thorough, conclusive, well-founded, conclusive, pertinent and convincing. At the end of the article, a comment on "Gentleman's Day" is based on faithfulness and propriety. Pointed out the right and wrong of Zhou Zheng's handover. Several layers of twists and turns, ten days of neat arrangement, make the author's exposition present an irreversible momentum, ethereal and elegant, graceful and carefree.
Since King You fought a bonfire and Emperor Ping moved eastward, the authority of King Zhou has actually collapsed. However, neither the king of Zhou nor the princes broke this matter. As an event point that can be observed or easily marked, the handover between Zhou and Zheng became a sign of the collapse of authority. Zuo Zhuan thinks that Zhou Zheng's oath is "faithless" (it has fallen to depend on hostages, so it is called faithless), and it is impolite (Zhou Zheng is out of order, so it is called impolite), which is the epitome of "the ceremony collapsed and the music was bad" in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.
In the oath, the gentleman accused both sides, but focused on criticizing the Zhou royal family. Zuo Qiuming believes that this situation is caused by his inability to convince people, but out of courtesy. The fundamental reason why Zhou and Zheng changed from "making friends" to "making friends" is the inevitable result of the contradictions and conflicts between the two sides in the redistribution of interests and power. In other words, the ultimate principle that determines the relationship between Zhou and Zheng is the redistribution of interests and rights. Although due to historical limitations, it is impossible for the author of Zuo Zhuan to reveal the historical essence of Zhou and Zheng from "making friends" because the author "speaks with facts", we can still see the general trend and trend of historical development in this era. And "speaking with facts" is also the biggest feature of this article. As for the importance of honesty in this article, it is only a good wish of the author, because after the history entered the Spring and Autumn Period, it is hard to see what the vassal States "should treat each other with courtesy" and "treat each other with courtesy". The article "Zhou Zheng Vow" reflects the thought of "Zuo Zhuan" that worships foreign things and flatters foreign countries and despises Wang Si. The full text first tells the facts and then comments, which is a typical writing method of Zuo Zhuan. The debate between gentlemen is centered on "propriety, righteousness and faith", and is fluent in saying things. It has a great influence on later historical theory.
The background of Zhou Zheng's oath was the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, which began in the Spring and Autumn Period. When he moved from Pingtung to the founding of the People's Republic of China, the world was in chaos and the ceremony collapsed. Even the imperial clan governors surnamed Ji no longer loyal to him. The trust between the emperor and the vassal depends on the exchange of hostages, which becomes a joke. Zheng Zhuanggong set a precedent for not observing etiquette, but Wang Gang has fallen. Then, there was a crisis of trust between the Zhou royal family and the ruling minister Zheng Bo. Zheng was one of the important vassal states from the Western Zhou Dynasty to the early Warring States Period. Zheng Huangong used to be Si Tuleideng of the Zhou Dynasty, and he was also an official. When Zheng Zhuanggong succeeded his father as the monarch of the State of Zheng, he also inherited his father's position in the imperial court. Later, Zhou Pingwang reused Guo Gong and avoided his father. He planned to promote Guo Gong and share the power of Zheng Zhuanggong. In April, Zheng Qing was sent to sacrifice and lead Zheng Jun to harvest wheat in the warm land of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and in the autumn of the same year, he led Zheng Jun to harvest grain in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, so the relationship between Zhou and Zheng further deteriorated. Zhou Zheng hated each other and their relationship deteriorated rapidly. [2] In order to prevent monopolization of state affairs, the declining Zhou royal family wanted to enfeoffment the political power to another country, the monarch and the Lord, whose surname was Ji, in order to maintain the balance of political power. However, Zheng Zhuanggong refused to buy Zhou Pingwang's account, and expressed dissatisfaction with the action to be taken by Zhou Pingwang. In order to reach a compromise, Zhou Pingwang, as the son of heaven, and Zheng Zhuanggong, as the monarch of the vassal state, actually adopted the diplomatic means commonly used among the vassal states after the Spring and Autumn Period, that is, exchanging protons. And this method didn't work. The above is the background of this article. Poetic Works: Zhou Zheng's Poems Author: Pre-Qin Zuo Qiuming's Poetry Classification: Ancient prose view, historical view and story view.