Q: Never rest, never stop; Move silently from one hill to another; He doesn't go; Don't run or walk fast; Where he doesn't exist is cool; A: The sun.
Plot introduction:
Callum Lynch (Michael Fassbender) wakes up before the execution and finds that he has been selected by Sophia (marion cotillard) to take part in a project that can liberate mankind from violent impulse.
The virtual reality machine Animus allows users to experience the memories of their ancestors. After being tied to the machine, Callum Lynch realized that he was a descendant of the assassin Aguilera who lived in the Spanish Inquisition. They are looking for an apple in the Garden of Eden that can control their free will.
Under the pressure of her father Allen (Jeremy Irons), Sophia reluctantly manipulated Callum Lynch to go back to the past to find the whereabouts of the apples in the Garden of Eden in the modern world, which threatened his physical and mental health.
However, after the killer companion Moussa (Michael Williams) hints at Callum Lynch and reminds him that Allen may have impure motives, Callum Lynch begins to reconsider his behavior and motives, and the fate of human free will becomes uncertain.