The Buddha said, "If you don't give up, there will be hope; If you don't give up, you can face more hardships in the pursuit process; Don't give up, you can see the spring dancing in the wind; If you don't give up, you can be content with life; If you don't give up, you can better grasp every day. "
Once you have set your goal, you should bite the bullet and try to overcome all difficulties. Persistence is victory. Ignore social prejudice and gossip, persevere and you will succeed. Because, only by eating all the hardships can you become a master.
"You can't take ten steps with one leap; Xu, ten drivers, contributed; Perseverance, rotten wood does not fold; Perseverance, the stone can be carved. " Many people have played the game of throwing hands, that is, throwing their hands forward 3 times and then throwing them back 3 times, but they are required to do this every day, but the key to winning the game is whether they can persist. The action of cutting looks simple, but it is not easy to keep throwing 3 times a day. It needs perseverance as the backing. Therefore, few people can win. It tells us that we must finish what we started, and we can't give up halfway. If we can form such good habits, we will certainly be able to achieve our desired goals. There is no royal road in the world, and only those who dare to climb on the rugged paths can reach the summit of hope. Look for the goal of your efforts, don't give up easily, and constantly encourage yourself, and you will eventually experience the joy of success and the joy of harvest.
Before you want to achieve something or set a certain goal, you should tell yourself that you must stick to it and "never stop" if you don't reach the goal, no matter how much you pay for it or how hard you work. All successful people are those who regard a definite and specific goal as the direction of their efforts, concentrate all their strength, attack it, and are sure that they will win and persevere in it. In fact, sometimes things can't be done well, not because of poor ability to do things, but because you don't do things seriously to the end. If you can do things wholeheartedly and stick to the end, then you will do things well.
On the road of life, it is inevitable to encounter bumps and bumps. However, in the face of these obstacles, you must never stop. You should summon up courage to run to the other side of success! Don't give up easily, if you give up, you will never come back. Don't give up every bit of your life easily, and don't give up every moment of your life. You must know that once you lose it completely, it will only cause regret! Everything has its limit, and when it doesn't reach its limit, how can you give up easily? Learning, can't give up; Opportunity, can not give up; Life, but also can not give up. Giving up learning is tantamount to giving up the vitality of life and new things; Giving up opportunities is tantamount to giving up the colors and beautiful things of life; To give up life is to give up everything in life. Even if the road to the top is extremely difficult, anything is possible as long as you don't give up and face it bravely.
If you really want to do a successful career and achieve a brilliant life. The success of life and the development of career depend on many subjective and objective factors. Wang Anshi said: "The extraordinary view of the world is often based on the danger and the distance, but what people lack is very difficult, so those who have a will can't get there." These famous sayings enlighten us: going forward bravely is a necessary prerequisite for being invincible; Perseverance is an important guarantee for success. Further, it may be picturesque; Take a step back and you may regret it for life. Doing things and doing work should have a kind of tenacity and persistence. As long as you have a clear direction, you will not be intimidated by difficulties, will not be shaken by interference, and will pursue it to the end without hesitation. In this world, no one is doomed to success at birth, and no one is doomed to failure at the beginning. The result of success or failure depends on the process and on yourself. As long as you go all out, persevere and never give up, you will have no regrets in the world. Let's stick to it together and strive for it.
chadwell is a woman who successfully swam the English channel, but she was not satisfied and decided to surpass herself. She wanted to swim from Catalim to California. The journey was very hard, and the biting sea water made Chad's lips purple; Swimming for sixteen hours in a row made her limbs as heavy as a thousand pounds. Chawedel felt that he was dying, but he didn't know how far the destination was, and now he couldn't even see the coast.
The more she thought about it, the more tired she became. She felt that she didn't need any energy, so she said to the people on the boat who accompanied her, "I give up. Please pull me up."
She was told, "It's only one kilometer away. Hang in there!"
She said, "I don't believe it. If it's only one kilometer, why can't I see the coastline? Pull me up."
Finally, Chawell was pulled up by the people in the boat.
The boat sped forward, and in less than a minute, the coast of California appeared in front of us-it was only seen within half a kilometer because of the fog.
Chad will regret it: "Why don't you believe what others say and stick to it?"
In fact, sometimes the gap between success and failure is just a little bit, and most of the difficulties ahead have exhausted people. At this time, even a small obstacle may lead to the abandonment of all previous efforts. Just bite the bullet and stick to it, and victory is just around the corner.
Buddha said, "Every kind of trauma is a kind of maturity."
In real life and work, many people often come to the conclusion of failure too early, and when they encounter a little setback, they have doubts about their work, or even give up halfway, so the previous efforts will be in vain. Only those who can stand the wind and rain and all kinds of tests are the ultimate winners. Therefore, never give up until the last moment and stick to it. ;