Live for a long time, lean on the column and fight the cheap sword. Song said, "The spear (hilt) has been returned, and there is no fish to eat!" Meng Changjun said, "Eating food is not as good as being a guest at home." After living for a long time, he hit the shovel again and sang "The long shovel is back, there is no car!" " Laugh at it in two ways. In this regard, Meng Changjun said: "It is better to drive for it than to drive from under the door." So he got on his bike, drew his sword and said to his friend, "Meng Changjun is a guest."
After a while, he bounced his sword again and sang, "I feel not at home when I come back!" " Both sides are evil, thinking that greed is insatiable. Meng Changjun asked, "Is Feng Gong close?" Yes: "There is an old mother." Meng Changjun was fed, and he was exhausted, so Feng Xuan stopped singing.
Later, Feng Xuan advised Meng Changjun, rescued three caves and became the most effective counselor under Meng Changjun.