Fan is from Fengcheng. Yan Fang, the Shuangyang Pavilion that Big Dad dreamed of, should have been born. A little longer, determined to learn, Prime Minister Zhou Bida saw his article and rewarded it. In the first year of jubilee, he was promoted to Jinshi and transferred to Yongxin. In the county, Longquan, Chaling Creek Dongchong and Koufuping, whoever likes to cheat and disturb, should be treated in the name of Linglian. In the thirteen townships of the county, from time to time, an Fu ambassador moved the company to the county seat, and the villagers rented it for two years for the first time, which was as good as a letter. After repeated reminders, we must strive for the number of inspections and have to obey. That is to say, Yi Jun talked to himself, repeatedly counted four, handsome and vivid, and Qingling calmly said, "Someone is not only a poor person in Baxiang, but also deeply loved by the country!" The people are in urgent need of poverty, and they will respond unprincipled. If you can't rent it, the disaster will not be easy. "Good color, so come from next door. When the order was issued to resume the collection, the bell rang and sighed, "It made me lose my trust in the people. "And, please, the National People's Congress is happy. Surnames are related to the transshipment ambassador, and the family is arrogant and should be tied up. County officials insulted the court order and should be imprisoned as a punishment.
When the secretary of Hengzhou was transferred, he always got the name of Zhong and became a genus. Change your understanding of Chongren County, make it clear from the beginning that you are bound, trustworthy and honest, tell the officials and people, and avoid what you know. Then, the supply and demand of rural officials were stopped and the school edition was bullied by us. A few months later, the book was preserved, that is, the book about it and the seedling tax regulations were used by the general office, and the service has been going on since then. Rejuvenation, crown dress hearing, bow like a god, the story is in accordance with the period, although the loser is also convinced. Zhen Dexiu lamented his hall and said, "Yes." Will be replaced and the rectification will begin. Years old, sharing interest with the people, paying debts, paying taxes, releasing prisoners, caring for life and death, advocating filial piety and persuading the people, being honest and vulgar, all of which have been written down and done, and the inside and outside are unobstructed. He was transferred to the jurisdiction of Siwen, doing audits of various armies, and sent a message to Fuzhou, and made a speech with the temple ambassador. Ding Neinan, except for the service, sentenced to Zhangzhou.
At that time, there was a rebellion in the right corner of the Yangtze River, and eight cities in Jizhou were destroyed, seven of which were destroyed. As soon as the bell rang, he said generously, "Is this a difficult time for officials to resign?" "That is, to serve relatives. When you get off the bus, you should first give priority to training and have a full meal, then go to redundant officials, inspect the army, eliminate the old and weak, and go on strike. Yinglingdong investigates the financial plan, and every time it makes a profit, five cities change their households. Ji, the meeting of boats and cars, with 60 thousand troops, persuaded resentment, and the bell rang: "I can't ban people from drinking, but I can lure them to win." "Yongxin Heshan thieves gathered, and thousands of people responded for several days. Ling Ying inspected Zhao, passers-by, took the city, transferred the county soldiers, consolidated their horns, divided their nests and birds, killed seven people, and decided in one township. When Zhu Xian, a traitor in Jiangxi, killed the commander-in-chief, he said, "This is no small change." A secret spy who offered a large reward for his capture. The emissary of the Ministry disintegrated his light hair and carved an official. I lived in seclusion for six years, and my adoptive parents studied and stayed at home. Since Guangxi, I have raised some sentences and made a strong speech. Over the years, I have worshipped my life. After I arrived, I rehabilitated many places, and I tried my best to save the people.
Summoned as an official of the Ministry of Finance, he first said: "Today, with the scale of regime change expanding, I want to change the habit of playing slowly in the past few years;" With the long-term governance of our government, once it is famous, it wants to make great achievements. He also said: "public opinion does not come from gentlemen, but from villains meeting gentlemen;" Ji Gang is not in the imperial court, but in the eunuch temple playing politics. "Everything is straight, and everyone who knows it is right. Moving to Zuo Langguan, looking for a prison in eastern Zhejiang, forcing beggars to raise it, changing the secret pavilion and promoting Changping in Jiangxi, holding 30 thousand households, which is awe-inspiring
Ding was in trouble outside, so he left the army and moved it. Summoned him and said, "It's a big national emergency. You should let two things go first. Your majesty has been fascinated by his words, and he has turned into the opinion of the court. He has not lost the plan of the present. The treacherous court official takes a piece of paper in the middle of the night or comes out from it, and the loyal people are helpless. " The emperor was moved by it. The salt law has been changed repeatedly, and the merchants will win, taking it from the court and taking it from Du Jun's detention; Jiujiang and Zhang Yu are at each other's throats. The poor in Jiangyou are poor all the year round, and businessmen and people are trapped. I am willing to change salt by putting the ancestors into the millet.
Awarded to Mo Bao Pavilion, Hunan Transhipment Judge and appeasement Department. Jiang Yi, He San and Three Tribes rallied more than a thousand people, executed the county magistrate, and killed Wang Guan. Shuaixian confessed and arrested, but it was less than a year. He should ring the bell and say, "The move is suitable for a long time, and it is urgent to catch it." "That is to say, the Flying Tigers and other military associations will always ask. They should personally ring the bell to take the oath and give orders to Zhuang Ming. Before the foot soldiers were brave, Jiang's father and son and AT Canal were fined five people, threatening their followers to keep them safe and steady, and they did not return to the whole division in January. Allow me to go straight to Zhangge, thank you for your kindness, and don't allow it; Ask Shao Qing to ask Dali again, but he won't allow it. Once I check accounts in the vault, perform official duties and participate in housework, I will never forget it. My subordinates advised me to clear my heart and save trouble, saying, "Life and death count, and learning all my life is today. "Handsome don't valerian, ask the sick, should ring crown Sue into, as usual, valerian, carefree and die.
To solve the problem, the person who tied the bell must be aboveboard and upright, don't talk about right and wrong in vain, do the right thing and don't move his heart with gains and losses. The book is not handed in to Shangguan, and the recommendation is not biased. It's an official. I dare not scratch. There was no lawsuit, no imprisonment, and the rope collector borrowed a lot of money and didn't miss it. They said, "What if the goods are illegally imported and the officials violate them?" "Learn clean, rape stolen goods, vibration tree wind, smell of the rise. Living at home, people are unfair, do not take the government, take the door; For those bad people, they should learn from each other and say, "Gong Fan can't hear this. "Read clearly, especially Zuo Chunqiu, with ten volumes of Xitang Miscellaneous and forty-nine volumes of Duiyue Collection. Xu Luqing said: "To solve the problem, you must tie the bell. If there is no doubt about the prison, you can govern the people like Gong Sui, behave like Fan Pang, and manage your finances like Ada, which is aboveboard. "People think famous sayings.
Fan is from Fengcheng. When his mother was pregnant, his uncle dreamed that two suns shone on the door, and then the bell was born. Grow up and concentrate on your studies. Premier Zhou Bida read his article and was deeply impressed. In the first year of Kathy, he was admitted to Jinshi and transferred to Yongxin County. The county seat is located in Longquan and Chaling Cave, where ethnic minorities live in compact communities. As soon as the robbers were solved, the insurgents suddenly attacked. Fan visited the name, found out the mastermind and punished him. Robber harassment often occurs in thirteen townships in the county. Anfu is the special envoy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At first, he made the idea of suspending the eight local taxes for two years, and the imperial edict also agreed. In the future, insisting on checking the amount of tax and rent was rejected. I went to the state government to make my own statement. I have repeatedly said that Shuai Shousheng is very strict. Fan said calmly: I am thinking not only about the poor people in Baxiang, but also about adults! The people are poor, so they should respond with the heart of a villain. The land rent can't be collected, but the disaster is not easy to calm down. Shuai Shuai was moved and ordered to exempt the lower-class households from rent. After the order was issued, it was levied again. Fan sighed: This made me lose my trust in the people again. And strive for, finally agreed to his request, and everyone was very moved and happy. A large family has a friendship with the forwarding agent, and the servant indulges in tyranny and oppression of the people, and is flogged 1# and then thrown into prison. The state collector humiliated the county magistrate in court. Fan caught him, locked him up and reported the situation.
When he was transferred to Hengzhou, the general manager heard of Fan's reputation and recruited him as a subordinate. When I moved to Chongren County, I just arrived, so I should help the rules, get together regularly, rectify the discipline, enlighten the officials and the people, and let them know how to advance and retreat. Then exempt the supply of village officials and check the household registration fraud. After a few months of hukou, the hukou book was handed over to Shuaifu as soon as possible with the land tax regulations, and taxation and labor were fair from then on. Get up early and wear a hat and clothes to listen to the lawsuit. If the judgment is helped by God, all cases will be closed as scheduled, even if the losing party is not convinced. Zhendexiu inscribed his hall plaque, named Duiyue. Will change jobs, governance is the same as when I first came. At the end of the year, Jean &; Surname interest, debt suspension, tax exemption, release prisoners, help the living bury the dead, advocate filial piety, encourage harmony and love the people. It was all implemented, and a notice was posted, and everyone who saw it sighed. He handed over the jurisdiction of Siwen Institute, conducted an audit of the whole army, and added Fuzhou. Because of some people's opposition, he gave up and awarded the official of Ci Lu. After his mother's funeral, the mourning period ended and he was sentenced to qi zhou.
At that time, Jiangyou Yaokou rebelled and it was appropriate to hand over eight counties. Seven counties were burned and sent to everyone. Fan said emotionally: is it time for the courtiers to refuse when they are in trouble? Wait on my father and set out together at once. When we arrive, we should first train the army and prepare enough food and grass as a top priority, and then reduce redundant staff, review the army roster, eliminate the old and weak, and implement them in turn. Fan has a deep understanding of the financial situation, despises making profits by specializing in wine, and all the five counties in Tang Dynasty have changed their households. Iraq, where land and water meet, has 60 thousand troops stationed in the camp. He was advised to drink. Fan said: it is natural to manage money. Even if I can't forbid people to drink together, can I lure them to profit from that precious wine? Bandits in Yonghe Mountain in Yongxin called for a rally, and thousands of people responded within a few days. Fan found that passer-by Zhao was tactful, so he sent a letter to let him act as an agent for county affairs, deploy state and county forces, form a mutual protection trend, attack his lair by shunt, capture him alive, kill seven of his leaders, and settle down in a township. Zhu Xian, a rebel in Jiangxi, killed the commander-in-chief. Fan said that this was not a small riot. Caught him with a greedy spy. The supervisor impeached him to act rashly and cut an official. I stayed at home for six years, serving my father to study, and I was complacent. He began to raise some prisons for Guangxi, but refused strongly. It took him a year to get his life. After taking office, he corrected many misjudged cases, and the poll tax infringed on the people and insisted on exemption.
Being summoned as an official of the Ministry of Finance, I first said: Now, I want to change my long-standing habit of neglecting my duties from top to bottom; If internal governance fails, once it is resisted, it wants to make great contributions. He added: the theory of justice does not come from a gentleman, but is mixed with a villain who greets the emperor; Ji was not established by the court, but manipulated by eunuchs who played politics. What is said is true, and all knowledgeable people think it is right. When he was promoted to the rank of upper left officer, he immediately asked to set up some prisons for his death. He went to support his father many times, and learned that Mi Ting and Jiangxi promoted Changping, and verified that he was anonymous for 30,000 households, which was very prestigious.
After being mourned by his father, he was promoted to military supervisor and left-handed officer. The emperor summoned him and said: the most important and urgent thing in state affairs is to establish a crown prince. Your majesty was not determined by his own will, but was confused by the words of his cronies and suppressed by the concubines in the harem. Now don't set up a prince, treacherous court official at night, a piece of paper may be out of the palace. Loyal people have no choice. The emperor was moved by his words. The value of salt law changed many times, and the profits of businessmen were forcibly taken away by the court, but were intercepted and robbed by Duzhou. Jiujiang and Zhang Yu control the key points. The poor lack salt all the year round, and the businessmen and the people work hard. Fan repeatedly accused the four evils and hoped to adopt the previous method of exchanging food for salt.
Appoint branch ge, transshipment department and appeasement department. Jiang Yi and He San gathered 1000 people, arrested the county magistrate and killed the officials, Ann! After missing for a year, Fan said that handing them over only encouraged the robbers to be arrogant and arrested them quickly. Then send the Flying Tigers and other troops to meet in the border areas for a unified crusade. Fan personally came to the army and told the soldiers that the order was clear. The soldiers beat gongs and drums and marched forward bravely. When they captured the lottery ticket alive, they chose five people, father and son and criminals, to kill them. They were forced to follow, let them settle down in their jobs, and came back in less than a month. Zhang Ge granted Zhi Huan, but he declined politely and refused. I was promoted to Shao Qing, Dali, but I refused. Prosecutor's office, audit accounts, handle official business, and start family affairs, without missing a bit. The subordinate advised him to relax and save trouble, and replied: life and death are life, and learning all his life is today. Distinguished guests came to visit the sick man. Fan put on his hat and walked into the house solemnly. The distinguished guests took leave.
Fan is aboveboard, upholds justice without favoritism, distinguishes right from wrong, acts impartially, and does not waver in his determination because of gains and losses. For those who don't please the chief executive, they are recommended to disobey power and act in their posts. No one dares to object with improper reasons. Wherever I went, there was no backlog of lawsuits and cases. It is not tolerant to punish petty officials, but they never confiscate their property, saying that their property was obtained by improper means and improperly collected by the government, okay? Promote righteousness, investigate and punish those who violate the law and discipline, and establish a good atmosphere. Those who heard it were encouraged. Living at home makes people angry. They don't go to the government, but to Fan's home. People who do bad things often warn each other: Don't let Gong Fan hear. Obituaries are familiar with the great sense of justice, and they especially like Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals. They have ten volumes of Xitang miscellaneous, and the verdict is forty-nine volumes of the monthly collection. Xu Luqing said: Kuai should learn like Ni Kuan, judge like nothing, govern the people like Sui, behave like Liu Lei, but be aboveboard and above them. People think this is a famous saying.
Fan lingying
A. D. 12 18, a native of Fengcheng. The date of birth and death is unknown, and he has lived in Jiading, Song Ningzong for about eleven years. Li Zhi is very interested in learning, especially Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals. Premier Zhou Bida read his article and gave him a reward. In the first year of jubilee (A.D. 1205), Jinshi was promoted, and Taiwei Yongxin was transferred. Reluctantly jumped to the Ministry of Finance. Yes, everything is straight, and everyone who knows it is right. Li Zhi Mo Bao Ge, Hunan transshipment judge and appeasement department. It's worth arguing, handsome and virtuous, and it's not peaceful for more than a year; If the bell doesn't ring in January, I will call Shao Qing Dali. Be an official and do as the bell says. At home, people are bad. They won't let Gong Fan smell it. He is so respected. A chess piece is clear and sensitive. Ten volumes of Xitang and forty-nine volumes of Rose are biographies of the history of the Song Dynasty, which have been handed down all over the world.