Lazy people always want to make a difference. French writer Wowenague
To determine one's ambition means to do something and create something. Quotes about Making a Difference Former Soviet educator Suhomlinsky
A soul with true beauty always makes a difference and is a real person. German Philosopher Hegel
We must not rot with the grass and trees in our lives, we must not live in a dream, live our lives in vain, we must make a difference! Fang Zhimin
Do you want to make a difference? Then go on firmly! Retreating from love will only weaken your will. British "Chivalry" poet Rowe Herrick
True freedom belongs to those who earn their own living and make a difference in their work. Quotes about Making a Difference English Philosopher, Historian and Aesthete Rowe Collingwood
No one can ever completely relax. Like a wound clock, without a little tension, one cannot achieve anything. J·R·
Only by linking one's own career with that of the motherland can a person make progress and make a difference. Marty
Remember: there's only one time that matters, and that's now! It is important because it is our time to make a difference. Russian writer Leo Tolstoy
People have the freedom to choose to end their lives, but that would be a grave mistake. ... No matter how bad the fate is, people should always do something. Where there is life, there is hope. Make a Difference Quotes British general relativity and cosmologist and theoretical physicist Hawking
We should work hard and make a difference. In this way, we can say that we have not wasted our years and have the possibility to leave our footprints on the sand of time. Napoleon, a modern French bourgeois military strategist and politician, "Letter to the Minister of the Interior"
Something attempted, something done. ——Longfellow
To try something is to achieve something. The 19th century American romantic poet Longfellow
The little time that is not wasted or wasted or thrown away every day, even if it is only five or six minutes, can still make a lot of difference if used properly. achievements. If you are used to idleness, even if you are smart, you will not achieve anything. Lehman
But the worst thing is that you men are unwilling to let women receive an education that can make a difference, and are unwilling to let them earn an upright life through their own efforts. The education they receive is just for appearance, as if they should only be loved and loved by others, rely on men for food, and never suffer misfortune. Quotes about Making a Difference American Writer Mark Twain