Datong Liyun Confucius believed that the era he lived in was a well-off era.
"In the journey of the great road, the world is for the common good, selecting the worthy and capable, trusting and cultivating harmony. Therefore, we do not only kiss our relatives, nor do we only have children. In the end, the strong will be useful, the young will be prosperous, and the weak, widowed, lonely, disabled, and disabled will all be supported.
The era that Confucius lived in was the era of great harmony. In this era, the society was stable and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. Therefore, Confucius believed that this era should be an era worthy of praise and praise. At the same time, in this era, people valued morality and morality. In addition to spiritual values ??such as ethics and culture, Confucius put forward the concept of "Great Harmony". In this concept, he believed that the world should be governed by everyone, and the selection of talents and talents should become the value orientation of society. We should establish trusting and harmonious relationships with others. In such a society, everyone can receive due respect and care, and vulnerable groups in society can also receive attention and help.
Summary. :
Therefore, Confucius believed that the era he lived in was a well-off era.