The time is September, and the sequence belongs to Sanqiu. When the water is gone, the cold pond is clear, and the smoke condenses and the mountains are purple at dusk. I'm on the road, looking at the scenery in Chong'a. Visit Changzhou, the emperor's son, and find the immortal's old pavilion. The mountains are towering with greenery, and the sky rises above them; the flying pavilions flow with elixirs, and there is no ground below. Heting and Fuzhu are the lingering memories of poor islands; Guidianlan Palace is the shape of hills and mountains. (One work of the mountains: terraces; one work of hills; one work: Ji Gang; one work of immortals: heavenly beings)
Wearing embroidered gates, overlooking the carved beasts, the mountains are wide and wide, and the rivers and lakes are astonishing. Lu Yan rushes to the ground, the bells ring and the cauldrons are home; the boats and ships are in the middle of the water, and the boats are green birds and yellow dragons. The clouds are gone and the rain is clear, and the color is bright. The setting clouds and the solitary owl fly together, and the autumn water and the long sky are the same color. The fishing boat sings late, and the sound is heard on the shore of Pengli. The wild geese are frightened by the cold, and the sound is broken by the Hengyang Pu. (Xitong: Shun; Mijin's first work: Mijin)
--------------------Excerpted from "Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion" on the Ancient Poems and Prose Network
I watched my husband, Baling, look like a master, at a lake in Dongting. It carries distant mountains and swallows up the Yangtze River, which is a vast and boundless river. The sun shines brightly in the evening, and the scenery is endless. This is the grand view of Yueyang Tower, which has been described by predecessors. However, it is connected to Wu Gorge in the north and Xiaoxiang in the South Pole. Migrant poets and poets often meet here, and the feeling of looking at the things is the same?
If the rain is falling, the moon is not open, the wind is howling, and the turbid waves are emptying; the sun and stars are hidden, and the mountains are invisible; business travel is not allowed, the rafts are toppled and destroyed; the dusk is dark, and the tigers roar and the apes crow. When climbing the tower, there are those who are nostalgic for their country, worried about slander and fear of ridicule, their eyes are full of desolation, and they feel extremely sad. When spring comes and the scenery is bright, the waves are calm, and the sky above and below is a vast expanse of blue; sand gulls gather in the sky, and the golden scales swim; the shore is covered with orchids, lush and green. Or when the long smoke disappears, the bright moon shines thousands of miles away, the floating light leaps into the gold, the silent shadow sinks into the jade, and the fishermen answer each other's songs, how wonderful is this joy! When you climb the tower, you will feel relaxed and happy, forgetting your favors and disgrace together, drinking wine in the wind, and you will be overjoyed.
------------------Excerpted from Baidu Encyclopedia "Yueyang Tower"