1. Ji Dan's "Jie Bo Qin Shu" in the early Western Zhou Dynasty
Original text: Therefore, if there is no great reason, we will not abandon it. There is no need to prepare for one person. A gentleman is as strong as an ox and does not compete with the ox; he walks as fast as a horse and does not compete with the horse; he is as wise as a scholar and does not compete with the scholar for his wisdom. Those who are virtuous and have great virtues and are respectful will be honored; those who are smart and wise but are foolish will be benefited.
Translation: If a relative or old friend has not made any serious mistakes, do not abandon him or her. Don't blame anyone for everything. Even if a virtuous person is as strong as an ox, he will not be as competitive as an ox.
Even if you are as fast as a horse, you will not compete with the horse for speed; even if you are as smart as a scholar, you will not compete with the scholar for intelligence. If a person of great virtue conducts himself with humility, he will be honored; if he is wise and wise, if he conducts his life with a foolish attitude, he will gain a lot.
2. Family Instructions of Confucius in the State of Lu in the Late Spring and Autumn Period
Original text: If you don’t learn poetry, you can’t speak; if you don’t learn etiquette, you can’t stand.
Translation: One day Confucius was standing in the courtyard, and his son Kong Li "crossed the courtyard", that is, walking quickly in small steps. When walking in front of your superiors or elders, you should "move forward", lower your head, and walk quickly like this. This is called "movement".
Then Kong Li saw his father Confucius standing in the courtyard, so he lowered his head and "went forward". Confucius said, "Stop, are you learning poetry?" No. "How can you speak if you don't learn poetry?" - How can you speak if you don't learn poetry?
Another day, Confucius stood in the courtyard again, and Kong Li "crossed the courtyard" again. Confucius said, "Stop, have you learned etiquette?" "Not yet." "How can you be a good person if you don't learn etiquette?"
3. Zhuge Liang, Prime Minister of Shu during the Three Kingdoms Period, wrote "Book of Commandments to Sons" and "Book of Commandments to Nephews"
Original text: Quietness cultivates one's character, frugality cultivates virtue. Without indifference, there is no clear ambition; without tranquility, there is no way to reach far. (Book of Commandments)
Translation: Use tranquility to improve your self-cultivation, and use frugality to cultivate your own character. If you are not calm and have few desires, you will not be able to clarify your ambitions, and if you do not eliminate external interference, you will not be able to achieve lofty goals.
The husband's aspirations should be lofty and far-reaching, he should admire the sages, abandon his passion and stagnation, and make his common ambitions clear and exist, and feel compassion; (Book of Admonitions to Nephew)
Translation: A person should establish lofty ideals, pursue the sages, restrain his passions, and get rid of the vulgar thoughts in his chest, so that the noble aspirations that are almost close to the saints can be clearly understood in you. It will be reflected in the earth, making your heart shake and understand. You must be able to adapt to the tests of different situations such as smoothness and twists and turns, get rid of trivial matters and emotional entanglements, ask people extensively for advice, and eradicate your own feelings of resentment.
4. The family motto of the Langya Wang family in the Jin Dynasty
Original text: A husband's words and deeds can be repeated, and he has the utmost faith; he can praise his good deeds and lead them to his fault, which is the most virtuous person; he who makes his name and show off his relatives, he has the most filial piety. Brothers are happy, and the clan is happy, which is why they are so fond of each other. There is nothing better than giving in when it comes to wealth: these five are the foundation of a good life.
Translation: Being consistent in words and deeds is the pinnacle of faith; entrusting a good reputation to others while shouldering the blame is the pinnacle of virtue; spreading a good reputation to make relatives famous is the pinnacle of filial piety; brotherly harmony , Clan happiness is the pinnacle of discord; there is nothing better than humility in the face of property: these five principles are the foundation of one's life.
5. "Collection of Ouyang Yongshu" by Ouyang Xiu of the Northern Song Dynasty
Original text: "If jade is not cut, it will not become a tool; if a person does not learn, he will not know." However, jade is a thing, and it remains unchanged. It is a constant virtue; although it is not carved into a weapon, it is not harmful to be turned into a jade. Human nature changes due to things. If you don't learn it, you will give up being a gentleman and become a villain. Don't think about it! Pay chess.
Translation: If jade is not carved, it cannot be made into utensils; if people do not learn, they will not understand the truth. However, something like jade has its eternal characteristics. Even if it is not polished and made into utensils, it is still jade and will not be damaged.
Human nature will change when affected by external things.
Therefore, if people do not learn, they will lose their noble moral character and become villains with bad conduct. Isn't it worth pondering?