The Analects of Confucius. Advanced article: Zilu, Zeng Yi, Ran You and Gong Xihua sat down. Confucius said, "I can grow up in a day, but I can't." If you live, you will say,' I don't know'. If you know, how can it be? "
Zilu led the way, saying, "A country of thousands of times depends on big countries, and with the help of teachers and tourists, it is hungry; By doing it, and three years, you can be brave and know the side. "
"what about seeking?" Right: "If you are sixty or seventy, if you are fifty or sixty, you can ask for it. Compared with three years, you can make the people. Such as its rites and music, in order to attract a group of gentlemen. " "Red, what about you?"
Yes, I said, "I'm willing to learn if I can. If the matter of the ancestral temple is agreed, it will be a small matter. ""Point, what about you? " Drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums, drums
Confucius said, "Why are you hurt? Also speak their own minds! " He said, "Mo Chun, who has already taken the spring clothes, has five or six champions and six or seven boys, bathed in interpretation, danced in the wind and returned with singing." The master sighed and said, "I am with the point."
the third son comes out, and the third son comes out. Zeng Yong said, "What are the words of a husband and three sons?" Confucius said, "It's time to say what you want!"
yue: "master, why are you basking in it?" He said, "It's a courtesy to the country, but if you don't let it go, you'll get rid of it. If you only ask for it, you will not be a state. Who is comfortable with sixty or seventy, such as fifty or sixty, but not a country? Only red is not a state? Zongzhou, Huitong, not waiting for you? Red is small, but school can be big.
Translated into modern Chinese, it means Zilu, Zeng Yong, Ran You and Gong Xihua are sitting with Confucius. Confucius said, "Don't be afraid to speak just because I am older than you. You often say:' Nobody knows me!' If someone knows you, what are you going to do? ”?
Zilu quickly replied: "A country with 1, personnel carriers is sandwiched between big countries, and then it is invaded by foreign troops, and then it encounters famine; If I am allowed to govern this country and wait for three years, I can make everyone brave and good at fighting, and I also know the truth of being a man. "
Confucius smiled. "Ran Qiu, how are you?"
(Ran Qiu) replied: "A country with 6 or 7 miles in vertical and horizontal directions or 5 or 6 miles in vertical and horizontal directions, if I am allowed to govern it, it will take three years to make the people rich. As for the cultivation of rites and music, it is only waiting for the sage and gentleman. "
"Gong Xichi, how are you?"
(Gong Xichi) replied, "I dare not say what I can do, but I am willing to learn. The work of offering sacrifices to the ancestral temple, or the meeting of governors and meeting the emperor, I am willing to wear a dress and a hat to be a small tribute. " ?
"Ceng Dian, how are you?" ?
(Ceng Dian) The sound of playing the piano gradually becomes sparse. With a clang, he puts down the piano and straightens up, answering, "My talents are different from those of the three of them! Confucius said, "What does that matter? Just talk about your ambitions! " (Ceng Dian) said: "In late spring (the weather is warm), spring clothes are already on. (I and) five or six adults, six or seven teenagers, took a bath in the yi river, blew the wind on the dance stage and walked home singing. "
Confucius sighed and said, "I am in favor of Ceng Dian's idea!"
Zilu, Ran You and Gong Xihua all went out, and Zeng Yong left last. Zeng Yao asked (Confucius): "What about the words of the three of them?" Confucius said, "It's just talking about your own ambitions!" ?
(Zeng Yong) said, "Why are you laughing at Zhong You?" ?
(Confucius) said, "To govern a country, we should be reasonable and accommodating, but his words are not humble at all, so we laugh at him. Isn't Ran Qiu talking about the country? How can you see that a place 6 or 7 miles or 5 or 6 miles is not a country? Isn't Gong Xichi talking about the country? What is it that the sacrifice of the ancestral temple and the meeting of the princes are not the major events of the princes? If Gong Xihua can only be a small compliment to the princes, who can be a big compliment? "
Kong Old Master Q wants to know the aspirations of his disciples. He was born in troubled times and fought endlessly all the year round. The people of Lebanon suffered from the turmoil and displacement of war. People with aspirations are eager to make contributions, calm the war and make their homes quiet, happy and harmonious! Through communication, Confucius laughed at Zilu's insolence in governing the country! But he recognized Zilu's ability! I believe he can make a stormy country settle down in three years! Publicly agree with Zeng Xi's ambition for a better life! Now, I also think that Zeng Xi's life ambition is very beautiful! Leisure, and happiness! But in the social background at that time, this ambition was based on calming the war! This shows that Confucius can only hope for a better life after Chen's predicament! Too much helplessness to reality is hidden through this dialogue!