Study and review from time to time.
Confucius' famous saying. From the Analects of Confucius: "Confucius said:' Learning from the times is not pleasant?' Wang Su's note: "It is a pleasure to study in the back class, because there is no waste in the study." Wang understands "learning" and "learning" as one meaning, which seems to refer specifically to reading. But Confucius taught people to learn "six arts", including etiquette, music, archery, bending, calligraphy and mathematics, and "reciting" was only "one end" (see Liu Baonan's The Analects). Huang Kan said, "There were three times when I was studying." One refers to age, the other refers to season, and the third refers to morning and evening. Jiang, a close friend, thinks that "learning means knowing the new, and learning means judging the old" (Introduction to Thirteen Classics).
Learning without thinking is useless, thinking without learning is dangerous.
From the Analects of Confucius: "Confucius said,' Learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous'." ""confused ",confused. Zheng Xuan Note: Ignorance, ignorance. "Danger" has two meanings: first, danger, and doubt cannot be determined. One is exhausted, mentally exhausted and without income. A current solution. This sentence can be combined with the chapter "Review the past and learn the new". Close friend Yang Shuda's note: "Those who look back on the past but can't learn new things learn without thinking, and those who want to know new things without looking back on the past think without learning." Confucius advocated paying equal attention to learning and thinking, which had a great influence on Confucius' younger brother. For example, Xia Zi said he was knowledgeable and thoughtful, while the golden mean said he was knowledgeable and thoughtful. They all thought that learning and thinking should not be neglected.