1. The format of quoting famous quotes in English papers is usually divided into direct quotation and indirect quotation.
Direct quotation first introduces the origin of the celebrity, and then directly quotes the celebrity's original words.
For example: According to Francis Bacon, arenowned British writer and philosopher, Moneyisa good servant and bad master.
Translation: The famous British writer and philosopher Francis Bacon said: "Money is a good servant and a bad master."
Indirect quotations
Indirect quotations usually refer to proverbs or ancient sayings.
Example: Theregoesasayingthattheknowsmostwhospeaksleast.
Translation: As the saying goes, he who speaks the least knows the most.
2. The format of quoting a sentence in an English paper is: Asanoldsayinggoes (quoted sentence). Quoting other people's opinions can be done directly or indirectly. Regardless of the method used, the author of the paper must indicate the author and source of the quoted text. The current common practice in American academic circles is to indicate the author and source of the citation in parentheses after the citation.
3. Correctly quoting the original text of the work or the discussion of experts and scholars is an important part of writing a good English paper; you must not only pay attention to the organic unity of the quotation and the paper, that is, its logic, but also pay attention to the quotation format (i.e. Normativity of English thesis references).