Make you an absolute beauty, the best in the world. A hundred years later, it's just a pink skeleton. This sentence is very suitable for Wang Weiwei. Time is merciless. As can be seen from Wang Weiwei, who is 72 years old this year, all she can keep is a hard-working figure.
And Wang Weiwei's figure really makes people who know what she looks like amazing. Wang Weiwei's slim figure contains a strong sense of beauty. In the pursuit of curvaceous beauty in Europe and America, as a model, she is sticking to fashion under the condition of her average figure.
social influence
VeraWang's dress has become the new favorite of many actresses. Sharon stone, kate hudson, uma thurman and victoria beckham all wore VeraWang to attend the main awards ceremony, making themselves the focus of the audience. When talking about VeraWang's wedding design, many media praised her for causing a wedding revolution in American fashion.
Today, Vera has established a huge fashion empire, and its products include perfume, jewelry, glassware, porcelain, leather shoes and glasses besides wedding dresses.