In fact, many people have no concept of the diligence of the king. In fact, the king's diligence has two signs: one is to go to the early court; The second is to review papers. As early as the Kangxi period, except for illness or other special circumstances, the king basically worked every day, and Yongzheng was also exhausted. It can be seen that these three kings are diligent. Not only that, they have to do everything they can to convince the people and officials that even if there are mountains of memorials, they are personally examined and approved by the king.
The purpose of this is to eliminate other snobbish threats and let the king take power alone. During the Kangxi period, some kings discussed politics. During the Yongzheng period, Yongzheng completely ruled out these external threats, and only the king was in power. So the Qing dynasty is the most? Dictatorship? In the dynasty, all the power is in the hands of the king, and there is no minister to rebel.
With the precedent of Yongzheng and Kangxi, Qianlong naturally chose to inherit, so he participated more in all aspects of decision-making. The benefits of diligence are obvious, which can not only prevent other forces, but also allow the king to better control the whole court. So in order to be able to do this? Dictatorship? This requires more time and energy. On the premise of strangling all forces in the cradle, they can't think of dictatorship, so it naturally becomes a helpless thing for them.