Wang Dun led the troops to the vertical of the truss.
I'm dying. Wang Dun led the army eastward, and was about to approach Suzaku Bridge. Jin Mingdi went to the nave by himself. Wenqiao was appointed as Danyang Yin at that time, and Ming Di ordered him to destroy Suzaku Bridge. The result is still not destroyed. Ming Di was very angry and afraid. Ming Di immediately called the ministers. Wen Qiao arrived, don't apologize, and want to die with wine and meat. Wang Dao came at this moment. He retreated barefoot to the ground and said, "The majesty of the son of heaven is just around the corner, and Wen Qiao is too scared to apologize." Wen Qiao just stepped down to apologize, and Ming Di was calm. Ministers all appreciate Wang Dao's astute and insightful words.