1. “Those who claim that all cultures are equal never explain why the consequences of these cultures are so unequal.”
2. “Those who always point the finger People who are 'greedy' in the private sector almost never accuse the government of being greedy, no matter what the government does."
3. "I just can't understand people who think that minorities should be represented in all walks of life. People are troubled by the fact that the conservative movement also has black representatives."
4. "Too many media people cannot distinguish between reporting news and creating propaganda."
5. "What if. If politicians stop interfering in things they don't understand, the size of government will be reduced much more than anything the two parties have advocated."
6. "A reader suggested that Election Day should be set in April. The 16th, the day after income taxes are due, is one of the few things that might stop politicians from spending too much money."
7. "One of the most dangerous trends of our time. By enacting 'hate speech' laws that make telling the truth 'socially unacceptable' or even 'illegal'"
8. "Black families have survived centuries of slavery, centuries of slavery. segregation for generations, but with the expansion of the welfare state advocated by liberals, these families have collapsed."
9. "This is why it is much easier to centralize power than to centralize knowledge. Too much social engineering is counterproductive, and so many dictators can lead their countries to disaster.”
10. “The first lesson of economics is scarcity: we don’t have enough resources to be completely satisfied. The desire of all. And the first lesson of politics is to ignore the first lesson of economics."
11. "Those who want to empty our pockets and control us find out. A magic formula: Nudge us to be jealous or angry at others, and we'll keep handing over our money and freedoms."
12. "The 'Civil Rights Movement' used to mean all. Everyone is treated equally. But now some people are so accustomed to special treatment that equal treatment is seen as discrimination."
13. "Despite the religious talk of 'tolerance' in our society. In most colleges and universities, there is no tolerance for those who challenge the dogma of political correctness."
14. "Those who are proud of their ideas often do not understand that they can only do so through real life experience. 'Filter', we know whether these ideas are right or wrong. In fact, most of the ideas turned out to be wrong."
15. "Not surprisingly, we found that in order to survive, the left pushed. To some institutions, where the concept may not necessarily work.”
16. “In the past, jealousy was considered one of the seven deadly sins. Later, it was given the new name of ‘social justice’, but it became. One of the most admired virtues "
17. "Those who desire to plan the lives of others are never in want. "
18. "'Multiculturalism' boils down to the fact that you can praise any culture in the world, except Western culture; you cannot criticize any culture in the world, except Western culture. ”
19. “One of the funny things as you get older is realizing how wrong you were when you were younger. When I was young, I was also on the political left. At that time, I thought that the left was the spokesperson for ordinary people. However, nothing could be further from the truth. ”
20. “Trying to present facts and reason with those who enjoy moral superiority in ignorance is usually a waste of time.