Because the strong have the ability to make and maintain rules, they are qualified to turn benevolence, righteousness and morality into rules for others to abide by.
In troubled times, a military commander who is in charge of the whole army, a senior official guarding one side, is qualified to talk about benevolence and righteousness. They are in charge here. They can be kind or not, but they can do it. An ordinary scholar may want to talk about benevolence and righteousness, but a local ruffian can beat him up and take away his money, making him unable to eat. Without food, there is no righteousness.
it's the same now. The United States pays attention to freedom and democracy. When China is strong, it can also be free and democratic. But some small countries can't do it if they want to be free and democratic. Just like Syria, European and American countries beat him up at any excuse, and naturally they are unable to be free and democratic after war.