"To be, or not to be, that is the question." This famous saying comes from the mouth of Hamlet, the protagonist in Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet". Most translators translate this sentence into: Survival or (or) destruction, this is a question. This kind of translation is a literal translation only, without accurately grasping the meaning of the original text. Shakespeare's original text is in inverted word order, with several parts omitted. If we arrange the original text in its normal word order and add the omitted parts, we can more accurately grasp the meaning of the original text (the omitted parts are in brackets): The question (of all questions) is that ( I am) to be or (I am) not to be. It can be seen from here that the key to the problem is the definite article "the" before "question". In English, the definite article is generally used for specific reference. In the original text, since the author uses stage language in a certain "situation", the part used to modify "question" is omitted. The "problem" here is not just a problem, nor is it just a problem worth considering, but a problem among all problems. If translated this way, it is very incompatible with the "situation" Hamlet is in. Because, no matter for anyone, "survival and death" is a problem. The meaning of "problem" here refers to things such as "the problem within the problem" and "the essence, core, and foundation of the matter." It is more appropriate to translate it as "the problem". The following predicative clause only retains the predicative in the clause. "To be" means "being" or "is", which is translated as "survival", and "not to be" means "absence" or "is not", which is translated as "destruction", which is quite appropriate. It can be seen from the above analysis that this famous quote from Hamlet is translated as "To be or not to be, that is the question." It is closer to the meaning of the original text than the above two translations, and it uses fewer words and is easier to read aloud. It sounds relatively smooth. A little more than kin, and less than kind. (Hamlet 1.2) Extraordinary relatives, indifferent passers-by. ——"Hamlet" Frailty, thy name is woman! (Hamlet 1.2) Frailty, thy name is woman! ——"Hamlet" This above all: to thine self be true. (Hamlet 1.3) The most important thing is that you must be true to yourself. ——"Hamlet" The time is out of joint – O, cursed spite, that ever I was born to set it right! (Hamlet 1.5) This is an era of broken etiquette and joy, alas! I am unlucky, but I have to shoulder the responsibility of putting things right. ——"Hamlet" Brevity is the soul of wit. (Hamlet 2.2) Brevity is the soul of wisdom, verbosity is superficial decoration. /Speak concisely. ——"Hamlet" There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dream of in your philosophy. (Hamlet 1.5) There are many things between heaven and earth that your wisdom cannot imagine. ——"Hamlet"/There are many things in this world that cannot be explained by human philosophy. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. (Hamlet 2.2) Things in the world are not inherently good or bad, but thinking makes it so. ——"Hamlet" /Nothing is good or bad, but thought makes the difference. To be or not to be: that is a question. (Hamlet 3.1) To be or not to be: that is a question. ——"Hamlet" There’s a special providence in the fall of a sparrow. (Hamlet 5.2) The life and death of a sparrow are predestined by fate. ——"Hamlet" The rest is silence. (Hamlet 5.2) The rest is silence. ——"Hamlet" 1. Our happiness is to be without honor or disgrace; we are not as tall as the buttons on the hat of Fortune.
2. Survival or destruction, this is a question worth considering; which one of these two behaviors is better, to endure the cruel poisonous arrows of fate silently, or to stand up against the endless sufferings in the world and sweep them away through struggle? More noble? Dead; asleep; everything is finished; if in this kind of sleep, the pain in our hearts and countless other inevitable blows of flesh and blood can disappear, that is the ending we want. Dead; asleep; and perhaps dreaming while asleep; well, therein lies the obstacle; for when we are freed from this rotten skin, what dreams shall we have in that sleep of death, That cannot help but make us hesitate. It is for this reason that people are willing to stay in trouble for a long time; who is willing to endure the whips and ridicules of the world, the abuse of the oppressor, the cold eyes of the arrogant, the pain of despised love, the delay of the law, the tyranny of the officials And the contempt of the villain that he has earned through all his hard work, if he only needs to use a small knife to settle his own life? Who would be willing to bear such a heavy burden and sweat under the pressure of a tiring life, if it were not for the fear of the unknown death, which confuses our will and makes us rather endure the current suffering than dare to go to the future. The pain we don't know flies away? In this way, heavy scruples make cowards of us all, and the red-hot brilliance of determination is cast a gray layer by careful thinking. Under this consideration, great undertakings will flow against the current and be lost. meaning of action. Wait! Beautiful Ophelia! ——Goddess, in your prayers, don’t forget to confess my sins for me. 3. Human nature is particularly sensitive because of love. Because we are so sensitive, we will give up the most precious part of ourselves to the things we love. 4. Love only starts from a momentary emotional impulse. Experience tells me that after a considerable period of time, it will gradually become cold. Love is like an oil lamp. After the wick burns out, its flame becomes dim and extinguishes. Nothing can always remain good, for excess of goodness destroys itself, just as a man dies of congestion. What we have to do should be done as soon as we think about it; because people's thoughts will change. How many tongues, hands, and accidents there are, there will be how much hesitation and delay; at that time, talking about what to do will only mean The long sighs and sighs that are equivalent to talking about sex can only harm your own body. 5. Sometimes, in a moment of madness, we can often do something that we have failed to do for a long time. From this point, we can see that no matter how hard we plot, our results have already been a kind of mystery. The power of Hades arranged it. 6. If a person only regards the happiness and purpose of life as eating and sleeping, what kind of person is he? What a beast! God created us so that we can talk so loudly and look forward and backward. Of course, we must use the ability and smart reason He has given us and not let them go to waste. Now I clearly have the reasons, determination, strength, and methods to do what I want to do, but I still say without shame: ‘This needs to be done. "But it has never been shown in action; I don't know if this is because the country is as forgetful as a LU pig, or because of overly cautious concerns that are one part cowardice and one part wisdom. 7. When two powerful enemies are fighting fiercely It is the most dangerous thing for a weak person who does not know his own strength to stand between their swords. 8. When he is in his mother's arms, he should first compliment his mother's nipples. Then suck. Guys like him who rely on some red tape to support the scene are what the foolish world is fascinated by; their superficial wisdom deceives fools and smart people alike, but once tested, their blisters It exploded. 9. No, we should not be afraid of any omen; the life and death of a sparrow are predetermined by fate. If it is destined to be today, it will not be tomorrow; if it is not tomorrow, it will be today; if it escapes today, it will be tomorrow. You still can't escape, just be prepared. Since a person can only have nothing when he leaves the world, wouldn't it be better to leave early? 10. No, don't think I'm complimenting you; With nothing to gain but your kind spirit, what good is it to me to flatter you? No, let lips like honey suck the glory of folly, where there is profit. Come down to their wise knees. Listen. Ever since I was able to distinguish right from wrong and judge the good from the foolish, you have been the chosen one in my soul, because through all the ups and downs, you have never been harmed by fate. You accept both abuse and favor calmly; you are blessed to be able to adjust your emotions and reason so appropriately that fate cannot play with you. Give me a person who is not enslaved by emotion. , I would like to treasure him in my heart, in the depths of my soul, just like I do to you. 11. The madness of big men cannot be left to chance. 12. If a person only regards the happiness and purpose of life. He eats, sleeps and sleeps, what kind of thing is he? He is nothing more than a beast! God created us to be able to talk so loudly and look forward and backward, so of course we need to use the ability and smart reason He has given us. , don't let them go to waste.
Now I clearly have the reasons, determination, strength, and methods to do what I want to do, but I still say without shame: "This needs to be done." But I never show it in my actions; I don’t know if this is because of forgetfulness like a deer or a pig, or because of overly cautious concerns that are one part cowardice and one part wisdom. Examples as clear as the earth encouraged me; look at this brave army, led by a pampered young prince, whose spirit was lifted up by his strong ambition, making him despise the unknown results and fight for the sake of a mere bullet. A barren land, fighting with flesh and blood to challenge fate, death and danger. True greatness is not to act rashly, but to strive generously even for the smallest straw when honor is in danger. (Classic line lz13.cn) But my father was brutally killed and my mother was humiliated. My reason and emotions were aroused by this unscrupulous hatred, but I tolerated it and let everything take its course. Seeing these 20,000 people walking down to their graves as if they were dead in order to gain an empty reputation, just to fight for a piece of land that is not enough for them to fight or bury their bones, in comparison, where will I live? Where is the content? ah! From this moment on, let me get rid of all doubts and delusions, and fill my mind with bleeding thoughts! 13. We should admit that sometimes, in a moment of confusion, we can often do something that is unsuccessful for our deep planning. From this point, we can see that no matter how hard we plot, our results will not be successful. But there was already a mysterious force that had arranged it. 14. Who would be willing to bear such a heavy burden and sweat under the pressure of a tiring life, if it weren't for the fear of the unknown after death, the fear of the mysterious country from which no traveler has ever returned, and its confusion. Has it broken our will, so that we would rather endure the suffering we have now than dare to fly to the pain we don’t know? In this way, heavy scruples make cowards of us all, and the red-hot brilliance of determination is cast a gray layer by careful thinking. Under this consideration, great undertakings will flow against the current and be lost. meaning of action. Wait! Beautiful Ophelia! ——Goddess, in your prayers, don’t forget to confess my sins for me.
To be, or not to be- that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of ??troubles, And by opposing end them. To die- to sleep - No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish'd. To die- to sleep. To sleep- perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub! For in that sleep of death what dreams may e When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. There's the respect That makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, Th' oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, The pangs of despis'd love, the law's delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of th' unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Who would these fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death- The undiscover'd country, from whose bourn No traveller returns- puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose the name of action. Survival or destruction? This is a problem. Which is more noble, to endure the ruthless destruction of the violent fate or to stand up against the boundless troubles and sweep them away? Go to death, go to sleep and it will be over. If sleep can end the trauma of our souls and the suffering of our bodies Thousands of pains, that is really a great good thing that survival can only ask for. Go to hell, go to sleep and maybe dream! Even if we escape this world, what dreams will we have in this sleep of death? Think about it, just this little worry makes people suffer lifelong torture. Who is willing to endure the whipping and ridicule, being oppressed, being humiliated and despised, enduring the pain of broken love, the delay of the court, the excessive taxation of the Yamen, the obscurity? Hard work only brings you a lot of money. But he himself could free himself with just a sharp knife. No one is willing to drag this remaining life with blood and sweat, but they are afraid of death, and no one has ever returned from the land of death, so they are shaken and would rather endure the current suffering than to To another kind of misery.
Concern turns us all into cowards, making our decisive nature cast a pale face of thought. We could have done great things, but because of our thoughts, they have been reduced to nothing and we have lost the ability to act. p>
Article 1:
Anding district Zhao Jin Primary School is located in Dongyue Village, Neiguan Town, with a building area of 6400m2. The school has 0/6 fac