The road is very narrow. Wang Xiaoyuan and Cui Aza met again and had a big fight. Cui Aza teased: I heard that how many women have you confessed? Wang Xiaoyuan: I want to tell you that as far as the program effect is concerned, Xiao Lu is my favorite. Xiao Lu is the legendary sister A Mu Sising, and Xia Zixian is Xiao Lu.
On and off is love. Although I can't remember how many times Wang Xiaoyuan and Xiao Lu broke up, it is enough to prove that we care about each other. Otherwise, who will quarrel over trivial matters?
When they were fighting in chaos, it happened to be Xiao Lu 5472. Cui Aza apologized to Xiao Lu, saying that in fact, both sides were for the live broadcast effect, and nothing happened between them. Xiao Lu responded very generously: I know you don't like him either.
Ha ha ha ~ you're right. Xiao Lu is dead set on Wang Xiaoyuan. Don't let Xiao Lu down this time. Bian Xiao also hopes that the two can get married as soon as possible.
I haven't seen rogue sanjin in YY for a long time, but he suddenly appeared at 5472 in the morning. In the game of meeting Wang Xiaoyuan, Wang Xiaoyuan wants Sanjin to brush the gift. Sanjindao: Gifts can't be brushed. Wang Xiaoyuan asked: Is it bankrupt? Third brother: It's no different from bankruptcy now.
How can Sanjin go bankrupt? Since we got married, our daughter-in-law has taken away all the financial books, which is equivalent to bankruptcy ~ Shut up, Sanjin is still waiting for Wang Xiaoyuan to eat chicken, so hurry up and play games ~