In order to fully show the "eternal laws of nature" of capitalist mode of production, to complete the separation process of workers and working conditions, to turn social means of production and means of subsistence into capital at one pole, and to turn people into "working poor" who hire workers and freedom at the other, this masterpiece of modern history needs to undergo this kind of suffering.
If, according to Oz, money "comes into this world with natural blood stains", then capital comes into this world dripping with blood and dirt from head to toe.
Marx believes that the primitive accumulation process of capitalism is the process of conquest, slavery, plunder and killing.
Extended data:
Das Kapital (full name Das Kapital: Criticism of Political Economy) is a political economy work created by Marx.
Das Kapital consists of three volumes, centering on surplus value, which thoroughly criticizes capitalism. The production, realization and distribution of surplus value are analyzed and explained respectively.
In Das Kapital, guided by the basic viewpoint of historical materialism, Marx profoundly analyzed the capitalist mode of production, revealed the law of the development of capitalist society, and scientifically verified and further enriched historical materialism.