The story of opposite poles
The king of Wei wanted to attack the State of Zhao, and Liang Ji advised him, "I met a man driving north on the road, and he said to me,' I'm going to the State of Chu. I asked him,' You want to go to Chu, why do you want to go north? He said, "My horse runs very fast."
I said,' Your horse runs fast, but this is not the way to Chu!' He also said that I have a lot of travel expenses. I said,' although you have a lot of money, this is not the way to Chu!'
He also said that the person driving my car is very capable. He doesn't know that the direction is wrong. The better the travel conditions, the farther away from Chu.
Now the king always wants to dominate the princes, and everything he does wants to win the trust of the world. Relying on a powerful country and an elite army, he attacked Handan in order to expand his territory and improve his prestige. Don't you know that the more you do this, the farther away you are from the goal of unifying the world as king, which is like going north to Chu! "