Rat plus ox; black, rat, and ox are in perfect compatibility. There is no mistake in the compatibility of men and women. Children will last for more than a hundred years, and wealth and prosperity will be abundant.
Tiger plus pig; green tiger and black pig are in superior marriage, men and women are compatible and have a good marriage, wealth is abundant and everything goes smoothly, and the population is prosperous and energetic.
Dragon plus rooster; yellow dragon and white rooster are more like each other. It is a good reason for people to get prosperous through marriage, their children will become talented and their descendants strong, and their happiness and longevity will never end.
Snake plus monkey; red snake and white monkey fill the house. Marriage is suitable for ancient times, big marriage is good for descendants, happiness and longevity are more prosperous.
Horses and sheep; red horses and yellow sheep accompanying each other. This type of marriage is the most perfect, with long-lasting prosperity and longevity for the children and grandchildren.
Rabbit plus dog; blue rabbit and yellow dog have existed since ancient times. The marriage will last long, the family will be blessed with good fortune and longevity, and the wealth of the Wanmu family will be enough.