1. Direct quotation
First introduce the author, and then directly quote the author’s original words, as follows:
1. ……, one of the renowned writers in …, once said that…
… is a famous writer of…, once said…
2. According to…, one of the renowned writers in…,….
According to…, a famous writer in…,…
Example: According to Francis Bacon, a renowned British writer and philosopher, "Money is a good servant and a bad master."
Explanation: The famous British writer and philosopher Francis Bacon said: "Money is a good servant and a bad master."
Category 2: Indirect quotation
Quoting common sayings and old sayings
1. There goes a saying that...
There goes a saying that...
2. As a proverb says, ...
As the saying goes, ...
Example: There goes a saying that he knows most who speaks least .
Explanation: As the saying goes, he who speaks the least knows the most.
Correctly quoting the original text of the work or the discussion of experts and scholars is an important part of writing a good English paper; you must not only pay attention to the organic unity of the quotation and the paper, that is, its logic, but also pay attention to the citation format (i.e. English paper references).
Extended information
Reference format in English papers
1. Journal type
Format [serial number] author. Article title [J]. Journal title, year of publication, volume number (issue number), starting and ending page numbers.
[1] Zhou Rong, Ren Zhiguo, Yang Shannglei, Li Xingxing. Thoughts and practice on graduation project management under the new situation [J]. Journal of Electrical and Electronic Teaching, 2003 (6): 107-109.
[2] Xia Luhui. Research report on the teaching situation of graduation projects (theses) in colleges and universities [J]. Higher Science Education, 2004 (1): 46-52.
[3] Heider, E.R.& D.C.Oliver. The structure of color space in naming and memory of two languages ??[J]. Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 1999, (3): 62 67.
2. Monograph type
Format [serial number] author. Book title [M]. Place of publication: publishing house, year of publication: starting and ending page numbers.
[4] Liu Guojun, Wang Liancheng. Library History Research[M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 1979:15-18,31.
[5] Gill, R. Mastering English Literature [M]. London: Macmillan, 1985: 42-45.
3. Newspaper type
Format [serial number] author. Title [N]. Newspaper name, publication date (edition).
[6] Li Dalun. The Importance of Economic Globalization[N]. Guangming Daily, 1998-12-27 (3).
[7] French, W. Between Silences: A Voice from China[N]. Atlantic Weekly, 1987-8-15 (33).
4. Proceedings
Format [serial number] author. Title [C]. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication: starting page number.
[8] Wu Lifu. Selected Western Literature [C]. Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 1979:12-17.
[9] Spivak,G. "Can the Subaltern Speak?"[A]. In C.Nelson & L. Grossberg (eds.). Victory in Limbo: Imigism [C]. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988, pp.271-313.
[10] Almarza, G.G. Student foreign language teacher's knowledge growth [A]. In D. Freeman and J. C. Richards (eds.). Teacher Learning in Language Teaching [C]. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1996. pp.50-78.
5. Dissertation
Format [Serial Number] Author. Title [D]. Place of publication: saver, year of publication: starting page number.
[11] Zhang Zhusheng. Invariant sets of differential semidynamic systems [D]. Beijing: Institute of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Peking University, 1983: 1-7.
6. Research report
Format [serial number] author. Title [R]. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication: starting page number.
[12] Feng Xiqiao. LBB analysis of nuclear reactor pressure piping and pressure vessels[R]. Beijing: Tsinghua University Nuclear Energy Technology Design Institute, 1997:9-10.
7. Patent
Format [Serial Number] Patent owner. Title [P]. Country: Patent number, publication date.
[13] Jiang Xizhou. A preparation scheme for warm topical medicine [P]. Chinese patent: 881056073, 1989 07 26.
8. Standard
Format [serial number] standard number, standard name [S] .
[14] GB/T 16159-1996, Basic rules for orthography of Chinese Pinyin[S].