Wu Zhirong expected it to be good. On that day, Wu Zhirong sent the notice to the governor's office, and the person who received it was the shogunate master. When the shogunate received the notice, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. Knowing that this matter was extremely involved, the hand holding the notice was actually He trembled involuntarily.
This master's surname is Cheng and his given name is Weifan. He is from Huzhou, Zhejiang. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, nine out of ten official staff were from Shaoxing and Huzhou. Secret friends from the two places supported each other's party and formed a gang.
In the political system of the Qing Dynasty, secret friends were an extremely special class. Most of them were scholars, but because they were not allowed to serve as officials, they had to help others to govern. This is true as the saying goes: "Making a curtain is really a last resort, reading is just for the sake of rice." As people with special status, shogunate friends have several characteristics: first, shogunate friends are not state officials, but personal mentors and guests of officials. They are not people who are in official positions, but are responsible for official affairs, and enter the shogunate in civilian clothes; secondly, , Friends of the Secretariat are consultants and assistants hired by the chief official in his own name. They accept the shackles given by the master and do not receive rank and salary. Thirdly, the relationship between the official and the secretariat is not that of superiors and subordinates, but that of guests and friends. They can come and go freely; Fourth, the curtain friends have expertise in learning, especially criminal laws, money and grain accounting, and documents that officials are not good at. The curtain friends serve the government with their professional knowledge; fifth, the nature of the curtain friends and subordinate officials are different, and the subordinate officials are from the yamen "Staff", while the curtain friend is the guest of the chief official, so he can gain the chief official's trust more. The reputation of the curtain friend in the yamen is much higher than that of the subordinate officials, and he also inspects the subordinate officials on behalf of the chief official. It can be seen that the identity of the shogunate is "to assist the official to govern", but his actual role is to "administer the official to govern". The social turmoil in the Qing Dynasty required many auxiliary personnel, which created good development opportunities for the curtain friends. In the Qing Dynasty, many scholars in Huzhou and Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province served as governors and traveled around the world. All official documents in the government are drafted by the master. Since everyone is from the same hometown, official documents from lower-level officials are less likely to encounter critical criticism when they are submitted to the superior yamen. Therefore, when a new official takes office, the most important thing is to spend a lot of money to hire a master from Hu or Shao. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, there were not many high-ranking officials in Huzhou and Shaoxing, but they controlled China's common government for hundreds of years. This was a miracle in the history of Chinese politics. Cheng Weifan had a loyal heart and believed in the famous saying "It is good to practice among the public". The meaning is that the government has the power of life and death for the people. A little emphasis in the master's draft can destroy the people's homes, and a little excusing can make them escape from death. Therefore, rescuing people in the public gate is better than saving people in the temple. Practice is more effective. Zhuang Yuncheng is a rich man in Huzhou. How could Cheng Weifan not know that if his case in the Ming Dynasty leads to a big prison, countless people on the shore of Taihu Lake in southern Jiangsu and northern Zhejiang will lose their lives and lose their homes, and how many celebrities will be murdered by the imperial court. This matter is not trivial, not to mention the book Many of the editors are people he admires or is familiar with. He immediately put away the post, gave a random excuse to Futai Zhu Changzhao, took a boat at night, and came to Nanxun Town, Huzhou, to tell Zhuang Yuncheng about the matter.
After Chen Yongming’s blackmail last time, Zhuang Yuncheng bribed all the government offices in Huzhou, thinking that nothing would happen again. Unexpectedly, Wu Zhirong, a villain, wanted to be promoted after getting gold leaves. Repaying kindness with hatred, he actually reported the book "A Brief History of the Ming Dynasty" to the governor's Yamen, which frightened Zhuang Yuncheng so much that he fell to the ground in the breeze, and his waist was covered with dirt under the bright moon. His eyebrows were filled with worry, and his heart was filled with depression. Dang Ji knelt down on his knees, thanked Cheng Weifan for his great kindness, and then asked him for advice. When Cheng Weifan took the boat from Hangzhou to Nanxun, he had already thought about it over and over in his mind. Seeing Zhuang Yuncheng asking questions, he said: "Money can make the world go round. The only solution for now is to spend more silver. I will use it for you Zhou Xuan." There is a saying: When the fire is too hot, the pig's head will rot, and when the money is enough, you can handle it yourself." Immediately, Cheng Weifan taught Zhuang Yuncheng a lot of tricks, such as how many gifts should be given to a certain government office, and how to clear a certain yamen office. Zhuang Yuncheng was taught one by one, and he Thank you very much.
After Zhuang Yuncheng checked all the yamen in Zhejiang, Cheng Weifan sent Wu Zhirong's report to Zhejiang Governor Zhu Changzha, and said that the person who reported the report had been dismissed from the county magistrate because of stolen goods, and he seemed to be holding a grudge. If you are suspicious of asking for something, please ask Mr. Futai to investigate in detail. Zhu Changzhao had accepted Zhuang Yuncheng's heavy bribes and money, so he helped others to eliminate the disaster, so he put Wu Zhirong's notice aside and refused to accept it.
Wu Zhirong deserved his misfortune. After sending the notice, he was not summoned by Master Futai for a long time, so he started a quarrel with the concierge of the governor's Yamen, and only after being beaten violently did he wake up. An ordinary person would have been overthrown by Wu Zhirong long ago, but the banker happened to be a wealthy family.
After returning to the inn for more than ten days, the silver exchanged for the gold leaves given by Zhuang Yuncheng was about to be used up, but there was no result at all from this report.
As soon as the stick sore healed, Wu Zhirong's mind started racing again. After thinking about it, he suddenly thought of an office, which was the infantry commander's office that was not under the governor's control.