On this day in history: February 17, 1986
“When one loses his intimate relationship with nature, then temples, temples and churches become "It's important." - Krishnamurti
His death came peacefully to the 90-year-old Indian philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti, who died on February 17, 1986. Auggie died at his home, California. He was always a reluctant guru and his ultimate wish was that the several schools he established in the US, India and the UK would continue to operate but that no one should be singled out for carrying out these in my name now or at any time in the future Teaching. ”
Krishnamurti was born in Madras, India, in 1895. Through his father's involvement in the Theosophical Society, an organization that promoted religious unity within the boundaries of Indian philosophy, he came to the attention of Anne Besant, the organization's leader.
Besant declared Krishnamurti the "World Teacher" and he began a rigorous path of training to fulfill this role. He studied in England and France accompanied by his elder brother Nitya. In 1922, the brothers moved to Ojai, California, hoping that the climate there would help Nithia's tuberculosis.
Unfortunately, his brother died in 1925, but Krishnamurti remained in Ojai. Anne Besant founded an organization called the Astral Order, created specifically for Krishnamurti to address his followers, but by 1929, he announced the dissolution of the Astral Order. He was never satisfied with the idea that he was exalted or semi-divine, and as he disbanded his community of fifty thousand believers, he explained: "I maintain that truth is a pathless land, that you cannot approach it by any means, No religion, no sect can do that,” and teaches his non-dogmatic philosophy of self-reliance and self-awareness across the globe. Krishnamurti held a philosophy that human suffering can be traced to an insatiable need for self-affirmation. This includes not only selfishness and greed, but also traits such as fear, anxiety, and aggression. Krishnamurti believed that enlightenment can only be achieved when the deeper layers of the mind are touched and the superficial trivialities of the self are eliminated. Only in this way can personalities be truly integrated and love unconditionally and selflessly.
After Krishnamurti died of pancreatic cancer, his body was cremated and his ashes scattered in India, England and California. Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi said: "The people of India deeply mourn the passing of Krishnamurti. He was one of the most inspiring philosophers of our country and time. ... His death has left our country and the world becomes poorer.
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