1. Youzi said: "It is rare for a man to be filial to his younger brother, but like to offend his superiors; it is rare that he is not fond of offending his superiors, but is fond of causing trouble. A gentleman is committed to his roots, and the Tao is born from his foundation. He who is filial to his younger brothers is the foundation of benevolence!" "("Xueer")
2. Confucius said: "When a disciple enters, he will be filial, and when he leaves, he will be a younger brother. He will be sincere and trustworthy, love others universally, and be benevolent. If you have enough energy to do, you should study literature." ("Xue Er")
3. The Master said: "When the father is alive, observe his ambitions; when the father is gone, observe his actions; if he has not changed his ways for three years, he can be said to be filial." ("Xueer")
4. Meng Yizi asked about filial piety. Confucius said: "No violation." Fan Chi tried to stop him, but Confucius told him: "Meng Sun asked him about his filial piety to me, and I said 'No violation'." Fan Chi said: "What do you mean?" Confucius said: "Sheng, things. It should be done with etiquette; death, burial should be done with etiquette, and sacrifice should be done with etiquette." ("Wei Zheng")
5. Meng Wubo asked about filial piety. Confucius said: "Parents only worry about their illness." ("Wei Zheng")
6. Ziyou asked about filial piety. Confucius said: "Today's filial piety means being able to raise. As for dogs and horses, they can be raised. How can we be different if we are disrespectful?" ("Wei Zheng")
7. Zixia asked about filial piety. Confucius said: "It's difficult to look at sex. When a disciple has something to do, he has to do his work, and when he has wine and food, do you ever think you are filial?" ("Wei Zheng")
8. Confucius said: "Whenever your parents give you advice, you will not obey your will, but you will respect it without disobeying it, and you will work hard without complaining." ("Li Ren")
9. Confucius said: "If your parents are with you, if you don't travel far away, you will have a way to travel." ("Li Ren")
10. The Master said: "If you have not changed your father's ways for three years, you can be called filial." ("Li Ren")
11. Confucius said: "One must not know the age of one's parents. One is happy, the other is fearful." ("Li Ren")
12. Confucius said: "How filial, Min Ziqian. A person is not indifferent to the words of his parents and his younger brothers." ("Advanced")