Absurd Romantic Philosophy in Camus
If you walk slowly, you will suffer from heatstroke; if you walk fast, you will sweat again, and you will catch a cold when you reach the church.
She is right. In a dilemma, there is no way out.
-"The Outsider"
We rarely trust people who are better than us and would rather avoid interacting with them. Instead, we often confide in people who are similar to us and who share our weaknesses. We do not wish to correct our weaknesses, we only wish to receive compassion and encouragement. -- "The Outsider"
When a person is lost,
being full of energy is a waste of one's time. Those who want to turn their backs on the world, let them be. I don't complain because I watched me being born.
-"Between Suffering and Sunshine"
When the longing for happiness is too eager,
The pain will arise deep in the human heart .
-"The Myth of Sisyphus"
A tree, after going through so much suffering, will eventually bear fruit. The end of every winter is the blooming of spring. I need to leave a testimony. Although this cycle will continue again and again. --"Camus's Notes"
In the middle of winter, I finally knew that there was an invincible summer in me. --"Summer Collection"
Don't walk behind me, because I may not lead the way; don't walk in front of me, because I may not follow; please walk beside me, be my friend .
--Albert Camus
The important thing is not to be cured, but to live with the pain. ——Albert Camus
All unique personalities mean strength.
--"The Resistance" by Albert Camus
If you continue to search for what happiness is made of, you will never find it.
If you keep looking for the meaning of life, you will never live it.
True happiness and meaning are rooted in life.
--"The Outsider"
When I get tired of listening to someone and want to get rid of him, I pretend to agree happily. --Albert Camus, "The Stranger"
This world without love is really like a world of the dead. One day people will get tired of prison, work and courage, and find their pleasant faces and tenderness. The heart song of water.
--"The Plague"
True generosity towards the future is to dedicate everything to the present. -- "The Plague"
All great actions and thoughts
have a humble beginning.
--"The Myth of Sisyphus"
As long as a person learns to remember, he will never be lonely again.
Even if you only live in the world for one day, you will never be lonely again. Able to spend hundreds of years alone in a prison with memories without any difficulty. --"The Outsider"
I don't expect life to go smoothly, but I hope that when I encounter difficulties in life, I can be its opponent. --Albert Camus
Of course the days are long, but they drag on day after day, year after year, and finally become confused. Every day loses its name. To me,
Only words like "yesterday" and "tomorrow" have a certain meaning. --"The Outsider"
I no longer have time to become interested in things that don't interest me anymore. --"The Outsider"