what is love ? The ancients said to ask what love is in the world, and the word love has been remembered for generations. You can see in many ancient books that the sages of past dynasties have also done a lot of exploration for this word. For example, people who mentioned love in the article, people who have a desire for yin, say this thing. The white tiger also said that the feeling of yin has also changed. Then there is another sentence to describe love, which says: "Love is also the nature of sex."
Yuan Haowen, a poet, mentioned in his preface that he met a goose catcher on his way to the exam in Bingzhou. The goose catcher said that he caught a pair of geese, caught one and killed it. Unexpectedly, the escaped one fell to the ground and died. Yuan Haowen was very moved, so he bought these two geese and buried them next to Fenshui. Yuan Haowen's friends in the same trade wrote many poems for these two geese, and he also wrote this poem "Qiu Yan Ci" which has been passed down through the ages.
The beginning of this word is "ask what the world is like, teach life and death to promise each other", and the word "ask" is surprising. A flying goose died, and it was snowing in front of the mountain. I couldn't bear to walk alone, so I died with it. Why can people be inferior when geese are like this!
Ask the world, what is love, and ask the inner lament of lovers all over the world! Feelings are sad, happy, painful, full of joy, silly, powerful, heroic, humble and as low as dust. Even if I have tasted the ups and downs of love, I don't know what love is.
Ask the world what it means to love Buddha. Say that color is empty, and emptiness is color. All passions in the world are illusory. However, how many people in the world can see through! I would rather be infatuated with love and bear all the pain of love than go to the road of no desire and no desire. Without the person in my mind, there is no point in getting a certificate.
Ask the world, what is love in this world? Only love can bring us the deepest pain and only love can bring us the greatest happiness. Only two souls who love each other can feel the soul's resonance and get the most profound life experience. Only love can teach people to live and die together.