1. Confucius said: "Those who are virtuous must cultivate their words, and those who are eloquent do not need to cultivate their virtues."
2. Confucius said: "If you want to establish yourself, you must establish others; if you want to achieve your goals, you must educate others." And masters."
3. Confucius said: "A gentleman is respectful and courteous to others, and he is a brother in the world."
4. Confucius said: "If you don't learn etiquette, you can't stand up."
5. Confucius said: "As long as one aspires to be benevolent, there is no evil."
6. Confucius said: "A gentleman is magnanimous. , the villain is always in love."
7. Confucius said: "Be respectful, be tolerant, be trustworthy, be sensitive, and be helpful. Being respectful means not being insulted, being tolerant leads to winning people, being trustworthy leads to people being able to do anything, and being sensitive leads to merit. , Benefit is enough to make people happy."
8. Confucius said: "A gentleman has nine thoughts: he thinks of seeing wisely, listening wise, looking warm, looking respectful, speaking loyally, doing things respectfully, and doubting. When you think about it, you will find it difficult to think about it."
9. Confucius said: "A gentleman does not compare himself with others, but a villain does not compare himself with others."
10. Confucius said: "Being respectful but disrespectful will lead to fatigue; being cautious but disrespectful will lead to chaos; being brave but disrespectful will lead to chaos; being straight but disrespectful will lead to strangulation."
11. Confucius said: "Don't do to yourself what you don't want others to do. ”
12. Confucius said: “If you can talk to someone but don’t talk to them, you will lose people; if you can’t talk to them, you will lose words.”
13. The Confucius said: "A gentleman takes righteousness as a pledge, practices etiquette as a pledge, a grandson as an example, and faith as a fulfillment. What a gentleman!"
14. The Confucius said: " Strength, perseverance, wood, and restraint are close to benevolence."
16. Confucius said: "The ancients said: "If you cannot speak out, you will not be ashamed."
17. Confucius said: " A gentleman has three warnings: when he is young, his blood energy is not stable, and the warning lies in appearance; when he is strong, his blood energy is strong, and he should guard against fighting; when he is old, his blood energy has declined, and he should be careful about gaining."
18. Confucius said: "The purpose of etiquette is harmony."
19. Confucius said: "Be respectful in your place, be respectful in your work, and be loyal to others."
20. Confucius said: "The benevolent do not worry, the knowledgeable do not be confused, and the brave do not fear."
21. Confucius said: "A gentleman is knowledgeable in literature and has made an appointment with etiquette, and he can live without you!"
22. Confucius said: "The gentleman is harmonious but different; the villain is the same but not harmonious."
23. Confucius said: "If one is not committed to virtue and does not believe deeply, how can he be successful? , How can we perish? ”
24. Confucius said: “A gentleman is cautious and does not fight, and he is a group but not party.”
25. Confucius said: “Restraining oneself and restoring propriety is benevolence. How can the world return to benevolence if one restrains oneself and restores propriety? "
26. Confucius said: "Don't express your anger, don't do it twice."
27. Confucius said: "Do not look at anything that is not propriety, do not hear anything that is not propriety, do not speak anything that is not propriety, do not do something that is not propriety." Excerpts from Confucius's classic etiquette aphorisms
Confucius's classic etiquette aphorisms:
1. Confucius said: Don't express your anger, don't make mistakes twice.
2. Confucius said: If you don’t learn etiquette, you can’t stand up.
3. Confucius said: Do not look at anything that is not propriety, do not hear anything that is not propriety, do not speak anything that is not propriety, do not move anything that is not propriety.
4. Confucius said: Hardness, perseverance, wood, slowness and benevolence.
5. Confucius said: respectful, tolerant, trustworthy, sensitive, and helpful. If you are respectful, you will not be insulted, if you are tolerant, you will win people, if you are trustworthy, you will be accepted by others, if you are sensitive, you will be successful, and if you are kind, you will be able to win over others.
6. Confucius said: Being respectful but rude will lead to fatigue; being cautious but rude but being rude will cause chaos; being brave but rude but rude will lead to chaos; being straight but rude but will lead to strangulation.
7. Confucius said: If one is determined to be benevolent, there is no evil.
8. Confucius said: The ancients could not say what they said, and they were ashamed of themselves.
9. Confucius said: Don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you.
10. Confucius said: If you want to establish yourself, you can establish others; if you want to reach yourself, you can reach others.
11. The Master said: Be respectful in your place, respectful in your work, and loyal to others.
12. Confucius said: A gentleman is knowledgeable in literature, and if he makes an appointment with etiquette, he can live in harmony with you!
13. Confucius said: A gentleman is harmonious but different, and a villain is the same. Discord.
14. Confucius said: A gentleman is reserved and does not fight, and he is a group but not party.
15. Confucius said: A gentleman is respectful and polite, and he is respectful and courteous to others. He is a brother in the world.
16. Confucius said: A gentleman is magnanimous and magnanimous, and villains are always polite. sad.
17. Confucius said: A gentleman takes righteousness as a pledge, conducts it with etiquette, develops it as a grandson, and fulfills it with faith. You are a gentleman!
18. Confucius said: If one is not committed to virtue and does not have a sincere belief, how can he be able to exist or how can he be destroyed?
19. Confucius said: When making friends, keep your word.
20. Confucius said: Those who are virtuous must cultivate their words, but those who are eloquent do not need to cultivate their virtues.
21. Confucius said: The benevolent do not worry, the wise do not be confused, the brave do not fear.
22. Confucius said: The purpose of etiquette is harmony.
23. Confucius said: To restrain oneself and restore propriety is benevolence. If one day restrains oneself and returns to ritual, the world will return to benevolence. Does benevolence depend on oneself, but on others?
24. The Master said: If you can talk to someone but don't talk to them, you will miss someone; if you talk to them if you can't talk to them, you will lose your words. He who knows does not lose people, nor does he lose words.
25. Confucius said: A gentleman is careful but does not compare with others, while a villain compares with others but is not careful.
26. Confucius said: There are three warnings for a gentleman: when you are young, your blood energy is not stable, and the warning is in appearance; when you are strong, your blood energy is strong, and you should be careful in fighting; when you are old, your blood energy is weakened, The key is to gain.
27. Confucius said: A gentleman has nine thoughts: looking for wisdom, listening for intelligence, looking for warmth, looking for respect, speaking for loyalty, acting with respect, doubting and questioning, thinking for anger and difficulty, thinking for seeing. righteous. Quotes about etiquette
1. Interest is a strategy devised by smart people to keep a distance from fools. ——Emerson
2. There is an inner courtesy that is connected with love: it produces the most pleasant courtesy in the appearance of behavior. ——Goethe
3. Those who respect others will always be respected. ——Mencius
4. The reason why mortals are more noble than animals is because they are polite. ——"Yan Zi Chun Qiu"
5. Politeness costs nothing, but it is more valuable than anything else. ——Cervantes
6. The most appetizing thing at a banquet is the host’s etiquette. ——Shakespeare
7. If you don’t learn etiquette, you can’t stand up. ——Confucius
8. If people are rude, they will not be born, if things are rude, they will not be successful, and if the country is rude, it will not be respected. ——Confucius
9. People will not be born if they are rude, things will not be successful if they are rude, and a country will not be peaceful if it is rude. ——Xun Kuang
10. In terms of beauty, the beauty of appearance is higher than the beauty of color, and the beauty of elegant and appropriate movements is higher than the beauty of appearance. ——Bacon
11. If a country is courteous, the country will be prosperous; if a family is courteous, the family will be prosperous; if the body is courteous, it will cultivate itself; if the heart is courteous, it will lead to peace. ——Yan Yuan
12. Virtue must be repaid, but resentment cannot be vengeful. ——Zhao Qian
13. Everything about a person should be beautiful, including face, clothes, soul, and thoughts. —— Chekhov
14. What is said does not go far. ——Confucius
15. Being polite is not always a sign of wisdom, but being impolite always makes people suspicious of stupidity. ——Randall
17. In the education that creates a cultured person, there is a kind of training that is indispensable, and that is beautiful and elegant conversation. ——Elite, former president of Harvard University
18. It is often quite accurate and reliable to understand a person’s inner world and grasp a person’s true colors through their manners. ——Leonardo da Vinci
19. A person’s courtesy is a mirror that reflects his portrait. ——Goethe
20. Morality should be noble; conduct should be frank; behavior should be polite.
21. On the surface, etiquette has countless rules and precepts, but its fundamental purpose is to make the world a place full of fun and make people approachable. ——Milly. Post
22. Those who are polite should respect others. ——Confucius
23. Good manners are composed of small sacrifices. ——Emerson
24. The most important thing in life is politeness, which is more important than the highest wisdom and all knowledge. ——Herzen
25. Virtue is a kind of spiritual treasure, but what makes them shine is good etiquette. ——John. Locke
26. Irreverence is the bastard child of ignorance. ——Butler's famous sayings about Confucius
1. There are three changes in a gentleman: he looks at what is obvious, he is gentle when he hears it, and he is sharp when he listens to his words. "The Analects of Confucius" - There are three changes in the impression a gentleman gives people: he is solemn and majestic when viewed from a distance, he is gentle and approachable when in contact, and he is serious and meticulous when listening to speeches.
2. He is sensitive and eager to learn, and he is not ashamed to ask questions. This is why he is called "literary". "The Analects of Confucius" - he is smart and eager to learn, and is not ashamed to ask people of low status for advice, so he is called "Wen".
3. A gentleman who has nothing to eat but wants to be satisfied... is sensitive to things and careful in his words. He is Taoist and upright, and he can be said to be eager to learn. "The Analects of Confucius" - A gentleman eats without asking for more than enough... he should be diligent in doing things, cautious in speaking, and be able to get close to reasonable people and learn from them to correct his shortcomings. This can be said to be a studious person.
4. Rotten wood cannot be carved. "The Analects" - Rotten wood cannot be carved.
5. By reviewing the past and learning the new, you can become a teacher.
6. Isn’t it great to have friends from far away? Think of righteousness when you see benefit, and give orders when you see danger.
7. If you are not angry, you will not be enlightened, and if you are not angry, you will not be angry.
8. A gentleman cherishes virtue, while a villain cherishes earth; a gentleman cherishes punishment, while a villain cherishes favor.
9. If you can talk to someone but don’t talk to them, you will miss someone; if you talk to someone you can’t talk to, you will lose your words. He who knows does not lose people, nor does he lose words.
10. Use the able to ask questions about the incompetent, use the many questions to the few;
11. A gentleman cherishes virtue, while a villain cherishes earth; a gentleman cherishes punishment, while a villain cherishes favor. "The Analects" - The gentleman thinks about how to promote benevolence, the villain thinks about how to get a place of comfort; the gentleman thinks about how to avoid violating the criminal law, and the villain thinks about how to benefit himself.
12. If you want to establish yourself, you can establish others; if you want to achieve yourself, you can achieve others.
13. The benevolent do not worry, the wise do not be confused, the brave do not fear.
14. A gentleman’s name must be something to be said, and his words must be actionable. A gentleman is nothing more than strict about what he says.
15. Isn’t it true that one should learn and practice from time to time? Isn’t it great to have friends from far away? Isn't it a gentleman if a person doesn't know something but doesn't get upset?
16. Those who are virtuous must cultivate their words, but those who are eloquent do not need to cultivate their virtues.
17. Even if it is a small road, there must be something to behold; going far away is afraid of mud, so a gentleman will not do it. "The Analects of Confucius" - Even if it is a small skill, there must be something worth seeing. But it may hinder your lofty career, so a gentleman will not do this.
18. When three people are walking together, there must be one who is my teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones. "The Analects of Confucius" - If three people walk together, one of the other two people must be my teacher. If they have advantages, I will learn from them; if they have shortcomings, I will use them as a reference and correct them.
19. Don’t show off your anger, don’t make mistakes twice.
20. A gentleman who has nothing to eat and nothing to live in, who is sensitive to things but careful in his words, is Taoist and upright, and he can be said to be eager to learn.
21. Those who know are not as good as those who know well, and those who are good are not as good as those who are happy.
22. Zi said on the river: "The deceased is like a man! He did not give up day and night." "The Analects" - Confucius stood on the bank and pointed at the river and said: "The passage of time is like this river! It flows continuously day and night.
23. Everything will be accomplished if it is heeded, and it will be ruined if it is not hesitated. "The Doctrine of the Mean" - Anything can be successful if you are prepared, and you will fail if you are not prepared.
24. Things The king should respect his duties and then his food.
25. Be respectful in your place, respectful in your work, and loyal to others.
26. Be firm, perseverant, and be kind.
27. When you see a virtuous person, you should reflect on yourself. When you see a virtuous person, you should reflect on yourself. "The Analects" - When you see a virtuous person, you should consider how to be like him; See if you have the same shortcomings.
28. "Education without distinction" - educate people, no matter what type they are.
29. Official principles. "The Analects of Confucius" - If you want to be a good official, you should study if you have enough energy. If you study well, you should become an official if you have enough energy.
30. Three people walk together. If you have a teacher, you should choose the good ones and follow them, and choose the bad ones and change them.
31. Isn’t it true that I should learn from them?
32. Cultivation of oneself to bring respect to others...Cultivation of oneself to bring peace of mind to the people.
33. Be quick and eager to learn, and don’t feel ashamed to ask questions.
34. The next generation is to be feared, how can one know what is coming? Now? It’s not enough to be unknown at forty or fifty. "The Analects" - Young people are terrible, because how can we know that their future will not be as good as ours now? But what if a person reaches forty? , If he is still unknown at the age of fifty, he has nothing to fear.
35. You can trust an orphan six feet away, and you can send a life a hundred miles away.
36. If you are so angry that you forget to eat, and if you are happy you forget your worries, you will not know that old age is coming. "The Analects" - You are so active in studying knowledge that you often forget to eat. Once you gain something, you will be happy and forget your worries, even yourself.
37. I am not tired of learning and teaching.
38. If people don’t have faith, they don’t know what they can do. . How can a big cart work without a handle and a small cart without a handle? "The Analects of Confucius" - If a person is not trustworthy, how can he survive in the world? What to rely on to walk?
39. Listen to what he says and watch his actions.
40. If you don’t get it, you will get it; if you get it, you will lose it. Loss is inevitable. "The Analects" - When he has not obtained an official position, he is afraid of not getting it; if he has obtained an official position, he is afraid of losing it, and he can do all kinds of bad things.
41. Acting with interests in mind will lead to resentment.
42. If quality is better than quality, then history will be better.
43. No. There are no words to learn poetry.
44. Learn the new by reviewing the past, and you can become a teacher.
45. Those who are upright and righteous. Observe words and colors, and consider the following people.
46. Being a scholar while caring about your home is not enough to be a scholar!
47. If you learn without thinking, you will be in vain; if you think without learning, you will be in danger.
48. Do to others what you do not want others to do.
49. A gentleman has nine thoughts: seeing is wise, listening is wise, and looking is warm. Think of respect in appearance, loyalty in words, respect in deeds, doubts and questions, anger and difficulty, and meaning in seeing. "The Analects of Confucius" - There are nine things that a gentleman needs to consider: looking, whether it is clear; listening, whether it is clear; facial expression, whether it is gentle; appearance, whether it is respectful; speaking, whether it is faithful; doing things, considering , you need to consider whether you are serious; when you are confused, you need to consider whether to ask for advice; when you are angry, you need to consider whether there will be any future troubles; when you have immediate interests, you need to consider whether you should reach out.
50. Zi Zhang said: "What are the five virtues?" Confucius said: "A gentleman benefits without any expense, works without resentment, desires without greed, is peaceful without being arrogant, and is powerful without being fierce." ...Zizhang asked: "What are the four evils?" Confucius said: "Killing without teaching is cruelty; failure to discipline is called violence; being slow to give orders makes you a thief; treating others like a cashier is stingy. , which is called Yousi.
"The Analects of Confucius" - Zi Zhang asked: "What are the five virtues?" Confucius said: "A gentleman is kind to the people without wasting money; he makes the people work hard but they have no complaints; he has desires but is not greedy; he is peaceful and reserved but not arrogant; he is majestic but not fierce." "...Zizhang said again: "What are the four evil deeds? Confucius said: "Decapitating people after committing a crime without any prior education is called tyranny; demanding results without warning first is called rudeness; issuing orders slowly and then suddenly completing them within a time limit is called cruelty; both are giving rewards to others. , but being stingy with money, this is called a financial yamen that can only get in but not get out.
51. The sun knows where one is dead, and the moon does not forget what one can do. It can be said that he is eager to learn.
52. Similar in nature, but far apart in habits. "The Analects" - Human temperaments are originally similar, but due to the influence of environment and customs, they become far apart.
53. A gentleman takes righteousness as a pledge, conducts it with propriety, develops it as a grandson, and fulfills it with faith. What a gentleman!
54. The beauty of a gentleman is not the evil of a man, but the villain is.
55. I don’t eat all day long and stay up all night thinking about it, which is of no use and is not as good as learning. "The Analects of Confucius" - I once didn't eat all day long, didn't sleep all night, and thought hard, but it was of no benefit, so I might as well study.
56. The ancients couldn’t say what they said, and they were ashamed of themselves.
57. Scholars must be ambitious and have a long way to go. Isn't it important to think that benevolence is your duty? Isn't it just a matter of time before death? "The Analects of Confucius" - Scholars must be broad-minded and strong-willed, because they shoulder heavy responsibilities and have a long journey. He regards realizing the ideal of benevolence as his mission. Isn’t the burden heavy? He fought for this ideal until his death. Isn't the journey long?
58. Zi Yi four teachings: literature, conduct, loyalty, and trustworthiness. "The Analects" - Confucius educates students from four aspects: learning culture, cultivating virtues, being loyal, and consistent in words and deeds.
59. A gentleman has three warnings: when he is young, his blood energy is not stable, and he should be careful about his appearance; when he is in his prime, his blood energy is strong, he should be careful about fighting; when he is old, his blood energy has declined, and he should be careful about fighting. have to. "The Analects of Confucius" - There are three things that a gentleman should be wary of: when he is young and his blood has not yet stabilized, he should be careful not to be greedy for women; in his prime of life, when his blood is strong, he should be careful not to be aggressive and aggressive; in old age, when his blood has been weakened, he should be careful not to be greedy and insatiable. .
60. No one knows the evil of his son, nor the strength of his seedling. "University"--No one knows the shortcomings of his own children, and no one knows the prosperity of his own seedlings.
61. A gentleman respects the virtuous and tolerates others, praises the good but is reserved.
62. A gentleman is magnanimous, but a villain is always concerned. "The Analects of Confucius" - A gentleman's mind is open and cheerful, while a villain's mind is narrow and sad.
63. If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. "The Analects of Confucius" - If a craftsman wants to do his job well, he must first have sharp tools.
64. How can I be ignorant of the French language? Change it to expensive.
65. Is it tolerable, which one is intolerable? "The Analects"--If this kind of behavior can be tolerated, then what other behavior cannot be tolerated?
66. A gentleman has nothing to do with the world.
67. He who behaves in his own way is shameful and can be used in all directions without dishonoring the emperor's order. He can be called a scholar.
68. A wise man changes his appearance; he can serve his parents to the best of his ability; he can devote himself to serving his king; he can keep his word with his friends. Although I say I haven’t learned yet, I call it learning. "The Analects of Confucius" - Respect wise people and not focus on women; honor your parents so that you can do your best; serve the emperor and forget about life and death; be honest with your words when interacting with friends. Although such a person says he has never learned how to be a good person, I think he has.
69. To know something is to know it, and to know something is not to know it, which is knowledge. "The Analects of Confucius" - To know is to know, and if you don't know, admit that you don't know. This is the correct attitude towards seeking knowledge.
70. People with different paths do not seek each other. "The Analects of Confucius" - People who hold different opinions should not discuss things with each other.
71. Wealth is something that can be sought after. Even if you are a man with a whip, I will do it. If you can't ask for it, do as I like. "The Analects of Confucius" - If wealth can be obtained, even if I am asked to hold a riding crop and be a coachman, I will do it. But if I cannot pursue it, I might as well do what I like.
72. Its knowledge is within reach, but its stupidity is beyond reach. "The Analects of Confucius" - He is so smart that others can do it, but he is so stupid that it is difficult for others to do it.
73. Life and death are determined by fate, wealth and honor are in heaven. A gentleman is respectful and courteous to others. He is a brother in the world. "The Analects of Confucius" - Death and life are left to fate, wealth and honor are determined by God. As long as a gentleman does his best without making any mistakes, and treats others with respect and etiquette, then everyone in the world will be like brothers.
74. Eat sparingly, drink water, bend your arms and rest your head on it, and enjoy it.
75. A gentleman is arrogant but not arrogant, and a villain is arrogant but not arrogant.
76. If I am the author without knowing, then I am not the author.
77. Human beings are immutable and cannot be witch doctors.
78. Politicians are upright. The commander-in-chief is righteous, who dares not to be righteous? "The Analects" - Politics means righteousness. If you can take the lead in taking the right path, who would dare not to follow the right path?
79. Don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you. "The Analects of Confucius" - Don't impose on others what you don't want to do yourself.
80. A gentleman wants to be slow in words but quick in deeds. "The Analects of Confucius" - A gentleman should be cautious in his words, but vigorous and resolute in his actions.
81. Zi Jue Four: No intention, no necessity, no solidity, no self. "The Analects" - Confucius did not have the following four problems: subjective assumptions, absolute certainty, stubbornness, and self-righteousness.
82. If you can talk to someone but don’t talk to them, you will lose someone. If you can't talk to him, you'll make a mistake. He who knows does not lose people, nor does he lose words. "The Analects of Confucius" - You can talk to him but don't talk to him, this is a missed talent. Talking to him when you can't talk to him is a waste of time. Smart people neither miss talents nor waste words.
83. When joy, anger, sorrow, and joy have not arisen, it is said to be in the middle; when they arise, they are all in the middle, it is called harmony. To achieve neutrality, the heaven will have its place and all things will be nurtured. "The Doctrine of the Mean" - If a person's emotions of joy, anger, sorrow and joy are not expressed, it is called Zhong; if they are expressed in compliance with the law, it is called harmony. When harmony is achieved, heaven and earth will each take their own place, and all things will grow.
84. If you are above the middle person, you can speak well; if you are below the middle person, you cannot speak well. "The Analects of Confucius" - You can talk about profound knowledge with people who are above average talent; but you can't talk about profound knowledge with people who are below average talent.
85. If his body is upright, he will not do what he is told; if his body is not upright, he will not do what he is told. "The Analects of Confucius" - As long as the person in the upper position behaves correctly, then even if he does not give orders, the people below him will follow them; if his behavior is not correct, even if he issues orders, the people below him will not obey.
86. Promote poetry and establish etiquette. Be happy.
87. You don’t use your words to lift people up, and you don’t use people to waste your words.