There were sixpence everywhere on the floor, but he looked up and saw the moon.
What most people become is not what they want to be, but what they must be.
4. Despicability and greatness, malice and kindness, hate and love can be mutually exclusive and exist in the same heart.
In order to calm the soul, a person has to do two things he doesn't like every day.
6. Sometimes, people wear masks so beautifully that even they feel that in the process of wearing masks, they actually become the same people as masks.
7. Love takes up a lot of energy. Being a lover requires a person to leave his life.
8. Love needs to have a sense of softness, a desire for protection, a need to show a good side, and a need to give happiness to each other. If it is not selfless, it is also a kind of selfishness that must be concealed by all means.
At that time, I didn't know how contradictory human nature was. I don't know how much affectation is contained in sincerity, how much meanness is contained in nobility, and even virtue can be found in evil.
10, I didn't know how contradictory human nature was at that time. I don't know how much affectation is contained in sincerity, how much meanness is contained in nobility, and even virtue can be found in evil.