1 People cannot take money to their graves, but money can take them to their graves
2 Money can take you to heaven or send you to hell
3 Wealth is not a friend, but friends are wealth
4 Money is seawater, the more you drink, the thirstier you become
5 Money is the purest, but also the dirtiest
6 Not having money is a sad thing, but having too much money is doubly sad
7 Money is not everything, but not having money is absolutely impossible
8 Money is a creditor who lends you a moment of joy and makes you pay for a lifetime of misfortune
9 Money is not happiness, a person can be happy even if he is poor
10 For wasteful people , money is round, but for frugal people, money is flat and can be piled up piece by piece
11 Treat money as God, and money will punish you like the devil
12 The money in our hands is a tool to maintain freedom, and the money we pursue is a tool to make ourselves a slave
13 Obtaining money is not a goal, but a way to achieve the goal A means
14 The joy and happiness in life are not in money but in the truth
15 Money can buy the heart of a villain, but it cannot buy the ambition of a gentleman
16 Money can buy obedience, but it cannot buy loyalty
17 The more you love money, the more money will harm you until you die
18 Money is a good slave , is the master of bad things
19 Money is a bottomless ocean, in which honor, conscience and truth can be drowned.
20 Money itself is not good or bad, it depends on how to use it .